We work with a range of external clients to provide production services and training. Some of our partners are:
- BBC Bitesize: CTVC have worked extensively with BBC Bitesize since 2018, producing over 200 resources covering themes such as Careers, Mental Wellbeing, RE, Morals Ethics and Philosophy and Social Action. Films and resources can be found on the BBC Bitesize website.
- BBC Teach: In 2019, we began working with BBC Teach and have since created films and teacher notes on themes including Bible Stories and Black History.
- Red Cross: We worked with the Red Cross to produce a series of Primary First Aid films. These are used across the UK to teach children first aid skills. Films can be found on the First Aid Champions website.
- British Heart Foundation: We have worked with the British Heart Foundation to produce films and resources for young people since 2011. Our work with the BHF has twice been awarded a British Medical Award.
- Fastn: We have worked with the Family Stability Network to produce films on family, relationships and commitment.
- Romani Foundation: We were commissioned by the Romani Foundation to produce an education series that explored the theme of addiction. These films and resources can be seen on the TrueTube website
- BFI: We have delivered training courses for the BFI Film Academy for over ten years, creating opportunities for 16-19 year olds to learn about the film industry. Courses have been delivered in London, Hull, Macau and Turkey and have covered themes including script-writing, 3D, animation and documentary film making.
If you would like to talk to us about our production and training services, get in touch, we would be happy to tell you more.

The Lumo Project
The Lumo Project takes the actual Gospel text as its script, word for word, unedited. Then they use the very latest historical research to recreate Palestine of the first century as authentically as possible on screen.

RE Online
A portal site for those working and interested in Religious Education.