key_stages: Key Stage 3 (Age 11-14)
A Day in the Life of a Buddhist Monk – Say hello to Manapo. He’s a Buddhist Monk, and TrueTube followed him around with a camera to find out what he does all day.
Understanding Denominations: Christianity
Hi. I'm a Christian and so am I. But we come from different denominations of Christianity. A denomination is a branch or group within a religion. I'm a Roman Catholic and I'm a Protestant. We both believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who died and rose again and then went to heaven. Jesus left his apostles, his messengers, to spread his teaching and made Peter their leader. And we believe that's when the Catholic Church started. The word Catholic comes from the Greek word katholikos, which means universal because the church was for everyone. But in the year 1054, the Great Schism happened. The church split into the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, so called because it was based in Rome, and it became more and more powerful throughout Europe. Then in 1382, a professor at Oxford University, John Wycliffe, argued that it was time for the church to be reformed. But the Reformation Formation didn't really get going until 1517, when a German priest called Martin Luther started a protest against the Roman Catholics and the Protestant Church was born. Or the Protestant churches were born because there are different denominations within Protestantism, right? Yeah. In fact, I wouldn't usually call myself a Protestant. I'd call myself a Baptist, which is the Protestant denomination which I belong to. But there are also Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Quakers. There are lots of them. I get it. So what are the main differences between Roman Catholics and Protestants? Well, let's start with the church itself. The building, I mean, take a look. Roman Catholic churches usually have a lot of decoration and other stuff. The most common symbol we use is the crucifix. Jesus on the cross. It's a reminder of the sacrifice Jesus made for us when he was crucified. Protestant churches tend to be plainer. Our symbol is an empty cross. Sometimes called a Latin cross. It reminds us that Jesus rose from the dead.
A Roman Catholic church is led by a priest. Only men can be priests and they can't get married or have children. They usually wear a white dog collar and put on long robes called vestments during services. We tend to call our church leaders ministers or pastors because we believe in the priesthood of all believers, that the leader of the church is no different to the rest of us. Most Protestant denominations have male and female pastors. They can get married, and they don't usually wear dog collars or vestments, although some do. The priesthood is something special in the Roman Catholic Church, especially the Pope. We believe that the Apostle Peter was the first pope, and the blessing he was given by Jesus has been passed down from man to man until we get to the present day Pope who leads the church. It's called the apostolic succession. We don't have a single leader. There's the Archbishop of Canterbury in the Church of England. But other Protestant churches have their own leaders. The Roman Catholic Church's authority comes from the Bible and 2000 years of tradition. In Protestant churches, authority comes just from the Bible. We both believe in the Bible, which is a collection of 66 books written by different authors over about 1500 years. Reading the Bible and learning from it is really important to Protestants. The main focus of our services is a sermon, a talk given by the pastor to help explain the Bible's teachings. The Roman Catholic Bible has 73 books. The Protestants removed seven of them. Bible study is less important to us. We tend to concentrate on the sacraments, which are seven special ceremonies that were given the stamp of approval by Jesus. Baptism. Confirmation. Eucharist. Confession. Anointing of the sick, holy matrimony, and holy orders. Most Protestants would say there are only two sacraments Baptism and Holy Communion, but we do them differently. Baptism is a ritual wash symbolising the removal of sin and the start of a new life. Yeah, although we would say it's more than just a symbol, it's important that people get baptised so that they can become part of the church as soon as possible, whether they're babies or adults. We do it by sprinkling them with holy water from a big basin, like this, called a font. We have believers baptism, which means we only baptise people who can decide for themselves if that's what they want. Jesus was baptised in the river Jordan, so most Protestant churches will imitate that with baptism by full immersion, which means they go completely underwater in a baptismal pool or baptistry. Like this.
Celebrating the Eucharist, which we do during a service called mass, is central to Roman Catholic life. We're more likely to call it Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper, or breaking of the bread. It's when we share bread and wine to symbolise the body and blood of Jesus. He asked his followers to remember his death on the cross in this way. But again, we would say it's more than just a symbol. Roman Catholics believe that while the outward form of the bread and wine stays the same, their essence becomes the body and blood of Jesus who is there again at the mass. The belief is traditionally called transubstantiation. People usually come up to the front of the church to receive the bread and wine from the priest. Although wafers are often used instead of bread, in Protestant churches, it's more usual for everyone to stay in their seats and for the bread and wine to be passed along the rows. The bread is usually actual bread, but a lot of churches use red grape juice instead of wine. You don't believe the bread and wine changed in any way? No, mostly some Protestants believe that the bread and wine are changed in a spiritual way. That they are blessed by God and become holy. But we don't believe that they are Jesus's body and blood. One of the sacraments you don't have is confession. We sit with the priest and tell him our sins, the things we've done wrong, and he forgives us on behalf of God and gives us a penance, which is something we do to show that we're sorry. We usually give him prayers to say. We can go to our pastors for advice, but we pray directly to God for forgiveness. We can pray directly to God as well, but our priests act like go betweens for us.
You also pray to Mary, the mother of Jesus and the saints, don't you? That's right. Saints are people who lived really holy lives. People we can be sure are in heaven. And do the saints answer your prayers? No. It's still God who answers the prayers. It's a bit like asking a friend to pray for you, but a saint has the advantage of already being in heaven and closer to God. It's why we have pictures and statues of saints and the Virgin Mary, which you won't find in a Protestant church. We only pray to God. Our worship tends to be very traditional classical music and prayers from a book. Up until the 1960s. It was all in Latin. But since then our worship has been in the language of the worshippers. Although some churches still like to use the Latin Mass, Protestant worship has always been in the worshippers language, and we tend to have a more modern style of music. Many churches even have their own bands to lead the singing. The mass follows a written pattern called a liturgy, and it's been the same for centuries. Our worship is a bit looser, although our service will still have a structure with singing, prayers and a sermon. You don't use a prayer book? No. Although I should explain the Church of England here, which is a special case. It all started with Henry VIII, famous for having six wives. Exactly. Until the 1530s. England was a Roman Catholic country. But Henry VIII wanted to divorce his first wife and marry his mistress. The Pope said no. So Henry told the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, to create a Church of England that wasn't under the pope's authority. This developed into a church with Protestant beliefs, but a lot of Catholic traditions. So many of them still use prayer books and more formal styles of worship. And they have priests. Yeah, but men and women can be Church of England priests and they can get married. Okay, so what happens when we die? Salvation. We're saved from hell and go to heaven to be with God. It's not quite that simple for Roman Catholics. We believe that salvation is a lifelong process. We're saved by our faith in God and the good works we do. Protestants believe that salvation is by faith alone. You've probably heard us talking about being born again, yeah? Well, we believe that once you've accepted Jesus as your Savior, that's it. You're going to heaven. It's a once in a lifetime thing, so you don't have to do any good works. We don't have to. But we believe that once a person is saved, the Holy Spirit will help them to become a better person. So they'll be doing good things for other people anyway. Roman Catholics believe that after death, really good people go straight to heaven and really bad people go straight to hell. But we also believe in a place called purgatory, which is where most people go to be purified of their sins before moving on to heaven. Protestants just believe in heaven and hell. We've got this life to get saved, and then we go to one or the other for eternity. But in the here and now, would you say we have more in common than differences? I don't know. What do you think?
Origins – Meet Gabriela. Or Stephanie. Or Yana.
How much do the circumstances of your birth affect the person you become? How much influence does your upbringing have on your beliefs? How different would your life have been if you had been born in a different country? Into a different faith and culture?
What makes you you?
Winner of the Short Form category at the BAFTA Children’s Awards 2018.
To Life – Tanwen’s father Gareth died when she was 19 years old. He was suffering from Motor Neurone Disease which was gradually taking away his ability to move, to speak, to swallow. And yet he remained positive until the end, and sincerely wanted Tanwen to continue enjoying life to the full. Tanwen talks about how her father died and how she dealt – and still deals – with her grief. He died before his time, but Tanwen now feels that it was the best thing that could have happened – that he died while he still had his dignity.
A film by Adam Tyler.
Nominated in the Factual category of the BAFTA Children’s Awards 2017.
Church History in Ten Minutes – How do we get from Jesus to the great big church – all the great big churches – we have today? Well, it’s a long and complicated story, involving emperors, crusaders, popes, castration and a lot of arguments. Here it all is in just ten minutes, so hold on tight.
Curriculum Mapping
TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:
Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teaching and practices - Christianity - Introduction /pre-work
Not required for exam board
Not required for exam board
PART B -Theme 1: Issues of Life and Death -Beliefs about death and the afterlife – Christianity- Christian beliefs and teachings about life after death, including soul, judgement, heaven and hell: John 11:24-27, 1 Corinthians 15: 42-44 Diverse Christian beliefs about the after-life: Heaven, Hell, Resurrection, Purgatory How Christian funerals reflect beliefs about the after-life Humanist funerals in Wales as reflections of beliefs about death as the end of life
Component 2 (Route A) Study of Christianity - Practices - Christianity in Britain and the Church in the local community - The role of the Church in the local community; a place of worship, social and community functions
Church History in Ten Minutes
Right, so what you need to know is how we get from Jesus here, to the great big church, all the great big churches we have today. No problem.
So Jesus Christ, in parables, miracles, love your enemies, death and resurrection amazing. He had lots of followers or disciples, but these 12 guys were specially chosen by Jesus and he made Peter their leader. When Jesus went up to heaven this lot, well, one was replaced, another story. This lot continued to spread Jesus' teaching, but not everyone was happy about it. The Romans, for a start, who had already crucified Jesus and felt that should have been an end to it. And the Jewish authorities employed people like Saul here to stamp out the new religion. But then Saul had a vision and heard Jesus. Why are you giving me a hard time? What's your problem? So Saul changed his name to Paul and spent the rest of his life spreading the new religion instead. Paul and Peter and the rest of the 12 are known as the apostles, which is Greek for messengers. The people who believed the apostle's message began to meet together, and someone in Antioch came up with a nickname for them, Christians, because they followed Christ. Paul and Peter and a few others wrote letters to these groups of Christians called churches, and you can read some of them in the Bible.
Around about now, the first book about Jesus' life was written. It's called Mark, and you can read that in the Bible, too. In the following 50 years or so, the books of Matthew, Luke, and John appeared, all with a slightly different take on Jesus' life. Most Christians believe that Peter became the very first Bishop of Rome, a dangerous place to be. Fire destroyed most of the city, and rumours spread that the Emperor Nero had started it to clear the land for a massive palace. He needed someone else to blame, so he picked on the Christians. No one liked Christians. Everyone thought they were superstitious because they didn't follow the Roman religion or even the Jewish one. They were probably criminals because their leader, Jesus, had been executed and they were cannibals because they ate bodies and drank blood. They didn't, it was the bread and wine of the Lord's Supper, of course. All a misunderstanding, but the upshot was that thousands of Christians were persecuted and killed. Nero used them as human candles, and many more met gory deaths in the circus. Not that kind of circus, that kind of circus! Peter and Paul were probably executed around now, the story goes that Peter was crucified upside down and Paul was beheaded. The other apostles were all killed too, apart from John, who was the only one to die of old age.
But Christianity continued to grow. The churches were run by bishops, and the first ones, along with other Christian thinkers of the time, are known as the Church Fathers. Most of them were killed as well. Right from the start, Christians argued about what to believe and how to behave. One of the Church fathers, a man called Origen, even castrated himself because he wanted to live a pure life, but it didn't catch on. In Britain, Christianity probably arrived with Roman converts trying to escape the persecution, some hope. One of the first British Christians we know about, a man called Alban, was beheaded, for being a Christian. Then a general in the Roman army, called Constantine, became emperor, and he'd recently converted to Christianity, or so he said. His story was that he'd had a vision of a Christian symbol called the Chi Rho, the first two letters of Christ in Greek. He heard the words by this sign conquer, so he got his soldiers to paint it on their shields, beat anyone who fancied a fight, and became emperor. But his conversion might have been a crafty political move, Constantine wanted everyone to work together, but the Roman religion got in the way because different people worshipped different gods. He saw Christianity, a religion in which everyone worshipped the same god, as a good way to unite the empire. Little did he know how things would turn out.
Constantine passed a law that allowed Christians freedom to worship without persecution. This meant that the bishops could get together to decide exactly what they all believed. They drew up the first draft of the Nicene Creed, a statement of their beliefs that churches still use today. This big bishop-y get together was called an ecumenical council, and there were seven in all because the arguments went on and on, mainly about Jesus. Some people believed he was just a man. Some people believed he was God and had disguised himself as a man. Some people believed he was two beings, God and man in one body. The councils eventually decided that Jesus was totally God and totally man at the same time.
Christianity was made the Roman Empire's official religion by the Emperor Theodosius, who also split the empire in two, and despite the bishops efforts to keep everyone together, the church was beginning to split up as well. The Nestorians left at the Council of Ephesus because they believed that Jesus was just a man, and God's Spirit had come to live inside him. More people, known today as the Oriental Orthodox Churches, left at the Council of Chalcedon. They didn't like the Council's description of Jesus, of one substance with the father, and at the same time of one substance with man, because they thought it sounded too much like what the Nestorians had said. They also didn't like how powerful the Bishop of Rome was becoming.
For a long time now, the Bishop of Rome, also called the Pope, had been gaining power partly because he'd inherited the authority of the Apostle Peter, but mainly because those guys in Rome were really good at organising everyone. The Western church and the Eastern Church was slowly drifting apart. They just didn't talk anymore. Most people in the West spoke Latin. Most people in the East spoke Greek, and the East didn't like having to do what the Pope said all the time. And then the West added some words to the Nicene Creed without asking the East. They were living separate lives. For a while, the Eastern Church was more powerful than the West, which had to cope with marauding vandals, the fall of the Roman Empire and the Dark Ages. By the time the West had sorted itself out, the East had challenges of its own, as a new religion called Islam spread out from Arabia. In the West, Charlemagne was now ruling well, most of it, he gave himself the title Holy Roman Emperor and got the Pope to crown him. This gave the Pope even more power, because from now on you couldn't be emperor unless the Pope said so.
Finally it happened. The Great Schism. The church split in two. The Eastern Orthodox Church in the East, obviously, and the Roman Catholic Church in the West. The Roman Catholic Church became more and more powerful, while the Eastern Orthodox Church began to feel more and more squeezed out by the rise of Islam. This is where the Crusades come in. The Pope sent thousands of soldiers to the East to claim Jerusalem for Christianity, but the so-called Crusaders left a trail of destruction across Europe, before they got anywhere near a battlefield. The Muslim leaders fought back, and over the next 150 years, there were six more big crusades while the two sides struggled for control of the Holy Land. Eventually, the Crusaders gave up and went home. But the fact that the Pope now had the power to send soldiers to war shows that something, somewhere had gone very wrong. Even your local priests were getting too big for their boots. Church services were in Latin and the Bible had been translated into Latin. But by now only educated people, like priests, could understand Latin. So everyone else had to trust that what they said, the Bible said was what the Bible really said. Some priests had seen an opportunity here and had started to charge people to forgive their sins, placing themselves firmly between God and everyone else like holy bouncers.
A professor at Oxford University called John Wycliffe argued that it was time for the church to clean up its act to be reformed. He translated the Bible into English so that everyone could read it for themselves and make up their own minds. It didn't go down well with those in charge and his Bibles were burnt. It took a long time for an actual reformation to kick off, but eventually a German priest called Martin Luther wrote a list of 95 theses, things he thought were wrong with the church, and nailed them to the door of an actual church in Wittenberg. The Pope sacked him, which Luther didn't mind because priests couldn't get married, and if he wasn't a priest anymore. A group of nuns had written him some fan mail, so he smuggled them out of their convent in herring barrels and married one of them, after she'd had a long bath. The people who protested against the church and its teachings became known as Protestants. Other big names included John Calvin in France and Ulrich Zwingli in Switzerland, but they argued forever about what to believe instead. So, very soon there were different groups of Protestants protesting. England remained officially Roman Catholic, and it was dangerous to be anything else. William Tyndale made himself so unpopular with his Protestant ideas that he had to leave the country. He translated the New Testament into English, and copies were smuggled back home to help Protestant feelings grow.
Then King Henry the Eighth decided to marry Anne Boleyn, but he was already married to Catherine of Aragon. Divorce was out of the question back then, so Henry asked the Pope to annul his marriage instead, which would mean that the marriage had never been a real marriage in the first place. The pope said no, but Henry had met a friendly English priest called Thomas Cranmer and made him Archbishop of Canterbury, so Thomas was more than happy to annul Henry's marriage to Catherine and marry him off to Anne. The Pope was very cross, so Henry left the Roman Catholic Church and made himself head of a new Church of England. The Roman Catholics realised they had to do something before everyone became a Protestant, and so the Counter-Reformation began.
Catholic bishops got together for the Council of Trent, where they decided to keep their traditions, but made rules to stop priests conning people out of their hard earned cash. The Church of England was still very like the Roman Catholic Church, just without the Pope. But when Henry died, his nine year old son became King Edward the Sixth, and he allowed Thomas Cranmer to make the Church of England more Protestant. Cranmer wrote a list of 39 articles which spelt out what the church stood for and stands for today, and wrote the Book of Common Prayer, which some churches still use.
But the fiercely Roman Catholic Queen Mary the First, reunited England with the Pope and had lots of Protestants burnt at the stake, including our friend Thomas Cranmer, earning herself the nickname Bloody Mary. Then Mary died. Elizabeth the first became queen, and she made England Protestant again. Next came James the First, who was the first monarch of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. He was a big fan of Protestantism, and even published his own translation of the Bible. As European empires spread throughout the world, so did Christianity, and churches sent out missionaries to convert people in those hard to reach places. The Protestants continued to, well, protest, and there have been various offshoots over the years, from churches like the Quakers and Methodists, who have fairly mainstream beliefs, to groups like the latter day Saints of Jesus Christ, known as Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses, who have more distinct beliefs of their own.
In 1962, the Roman Catholic Church held a council known as the Second Vatican Council or Vatican Two, which brought in some big changes. Church services, which had always been in Latin, were now to be in the language of the people. And so we continue to the present day, with churches of all different kinds all over the place, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Oriental Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church, and ever increasing numbers of Protestant churches, Lutherans, Calvinists, the Church of England, Methodists, Quakers, Baptists.
You have to wonder what Jesus would say about it all.
Connections – Lots of people describe themselves as “spiritual” even if they aren’t religious, but what does that mean? In this beautiful film, six very different people describe how they connect with something beyond themselves – through craft, dance, performance, prayer, writing, helping others, and exploring the natural world. In each case, finding something they love to do has helped them find themselves and given their lives a purpose.
Courtesy of Spiritual Companions Trust.