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Who and Why – Interviews with random members of the public reveal why people believe bullying happens, what they consider bullying to be and who they believe is most likely to get bullied.

Who and Why

Video length - 01.51
Published date - Nov 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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My Faith: Eid – Showcasing Eid, the Muslim celebration of the end of Ramadan in Trafalgar Square.

My Faith: Eid

Video length - 02.09
Published date - Nov 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

My Faith: Linvoy Primus – Former Premier League footballer Linvoy Primus on how the reigniting of his faith has inspired him.

My Faith: Linvoy Primus

Video length - 01.58
Published date - Nov 2007
Keystage(s) - 3
Downloadable resources

Heritage Today – NOAM Jewish youth group talk about knowing your heritage from a alternative cultural perspective.

Heritage Today

Video length - 01.56
Published date - Nov 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Taking Back Control – Julianna was bullied terribly throughout school but says it became unbearable once the bullies started attacking her online, because it felt as though they had infiltrated her own home. Here she explains how she dealt with the bullying in exactly the right way, collecting evidence and handing it over to the police. She is now free from the girls who tormented her, having received an apology from one.

Taking Back Control

Video length - 02.08
Published date - Nov 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Divide or Unite? – Does music unite or divide us? Young people across the country share their views.

Divide or Unite?

Video length - 01.21
Published date - Nov 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Good Vibrations – Glastonbury Organiser, Emily Eavis, speaks about the positive effects of music and festivals.

Good Vibrations

Video length - 02.17
Published date - Nov 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Religion Unified – Guess which Holy Book says what about war, violence and sex.

Religion Unified

Video length - 03.46
Published date - Nov 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Asher D And Lyrics – Do song lyrics reflect the realities of the world? Or, do they influence society? Music artist and actor, Asher D, speaks about the media’s reaction to So Solid Crew’s lyrics.

Asher D And Lyrics

Video length - 02.43
Published date - Nov 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Akala’s Definition of Hip Hop – Would you blame hip hop for the increase in violence? Akala, rapper and brother of Miss Dynamite, challenges the negative stigma attached to hip hop and talks about who to blame for inequalities.

Akala’s Definition of Hip Hop

Video length - 02.26
Published date - Nov 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources