key_stages: Key Stage 4 (Age 14-16)
Forced Marriage – Sameem Ali was forced to marry a man she hardly knew at the age of 13, but eventually escaped her abusive family. She is now an author, a local government councillor and campaigns for better education about the problem of forced marriage. Here she tells her story and makes it clear: “Forced marriage is not part of my culture”.
Young, British & Muslim: Sarah is a Muslim and loves playing roller derby. She talks about the decisions she has had to make about her clothing; and the attitudes of prospective husbands to her playing a full contact sport.
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Young, British & Muslim: Jana posts videos on YouTube as “The Friendly Arab” and has faced criticism from both Muslims and non-Muslims; but here she defends herself, claiming “this is just who I am”.
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Young, British & Muslim: Akmal believes that being a Muslim and having a beard means that some people might wrongly assume he is a terrorist. Here he talks about the importance of greater understanding for better integration.
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Young, British & Muslim: Abdiya is the daughter of converts to Islam and believes that, for her, being British and being Muslim are inseparable.
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What is Humanism? Life is like a maze: we all have to make decisions about which direction to take, and it can be difficult to know which way to go. Religious people have their leaders and holy books to guide them, but what if you don’t believe in God? How do atheists decide what is right and wrong? Humanism might have the answer.