Designer Babies: The Fertility Expert – Geeta is a fertility specialist who argues against the creation of too many surplus embryos and against genetic screening because she says having a baby is “not a lifestyle choice”.
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Designer Babies: The Fertility Expert – Geeta is a fertility specialist who argues against the creation of too many surplus embryos and against genetic screening because she says having a baby is “not a lifestyle choice”.
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Designer Babies: The Mother – Elaine inherited a genetic fault which increases her chances of getting breast cancer, and she has passed it on to one of her daughters. Having suffered treatment for cancer she now wishes that genetic screening had been available for the sake of future generations.
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Designer Babies: The Jain – When Nishad and his wife were expecting their first child, they were told that the baby had Down’s Syndrome, and given the option to terminate the pregnancy. Nishad is a Jain, and believes that he should not have the power to choose whether or not a soul continues its life.
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Designer Babies: The Doctor – Shane is a doctor in genetic medicine and argues that his work is a “tremendous blessing” and helps families live as normally as possible.
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Designer Babies: The Pro-Life Campaigner – James likens the creation of designer babies to the Nazi dream of breeding a super-race, and is mainly concerned about all the embryos that are discarded in the process.
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Designer Babies: The Saviour Sibling – Joe’s daughter was Britain’s first “designer baby” and without her, his son would not have been cured of a rare bone marrow condition.
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Designer Babies: The Vicar – Joanna is a Vicar, and she is pregnant. She was born with a defect of the jaw and her brother has Down’s Syndrome, so she challenges the right of people to abort babies with congenital problems.
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Gains and Losses – What does it feel like to suffer from anorexia? Written and narrated by young people who have suffered with the eating disorder, this animation describes how it takes hold, how it feels, and how to fight back.
Courtesy of Biomation.
Sport Relief – Raymond’s Story – In Africa, 1 in 4 children have to work for a living, often in dangerous conditions. Greg James introduces this film about Raymond, a 14 year-old boy who lives in Ghana. Raymond has to work long days in a mine to support his family, but Sport Relief money is providing him with an education to help him escape poverty and achieve his ambitions.
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