Christian Baptism
Anna I'm Anna and I was baptised when I was 13, in a Church of England or Anglican church. Some churches baptise babies to welcome them into Christianity. Others only baptise people when they're old enough to make the decision for themselves. When I was a baby, instead of baptising me, my parents decided to give me a service of dedication, which means they said they'd bring me up in a Christian home and tell me about what they thought of God, but that they'd leave it to me to decide whether I believed and wanted to live by that faith or not. As I grew up, I asked a lot of questions, and I came to the conclusion that I did believe that it was true. So when they were doing baptisms at church, I thought it would be a good opportunity to make a proper and public commitment to God. It's very common in Anglican churches to baptise infants. I've come to Saint John the Evangelist Church to talk to the associate vicar, Rachel Hawes, and find out more.
Rachel While all religions have ceremonies, we call them initiation rites, which mark people's entry into the religion. And so baptism for Christians, is the important ceremony or initiation rite into the Christian faith, and it has been from the very beginning of Christianity.
Anna So what happens in a typical Anglican infant baptism?
Rachel We do it in the main service, and the parents will all come to the font with the baby, and the font is the name for whatever we put the water in. And this which we're standing by is our font. So the first thing that happens in baptism is that we have a series of promises. Now when adults are baptised, they make these promises for themselves. But when a baby is baptised, obviously they're too young to make the promises. So their parents and their godparents make the promises on their behalf.
Rachel Will you pray for her? Draw her by your example into the community of faith. And walk with her in the way of Christ.
All With the help of God we will.
Rachel In baptism, this child begins her journey of faith. You speak for her today. Will you care for her and help her to take her place within the life and worship of Christ's Church?
All With the help of God we will.
Rachel Then the second very important picture or image in baptism is the signing with the cross. So we have holy oil, and so the priest will take the oil and dip their thumb in it, and sign the baby on the forehead and say, Christ claims you for his own, receive the sign of his cross. We offer the oil to all the parents and godparents, so that they, too, can dip their thumb in and sign the baby on the forehead. Then we come to the water, and water is obviously central to the service of baptism, and we pour the water into the font at that point. And, and usually here we ask one of the parents or godparents to pour the water in so that everybody can see it going in, and then the priest will bless it.
Rachel Now sanctify this water, but by the power of your Holy Spirit, they may be cleansed from sin and born again.
Rachel And then they will use it to baptise the child.
UU Yeah. I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Rachel So at the end of the service, we will call the parents up to the chancel. That's where the altar is. And we will light a special candle for the baby from the candles on the altar, and we will give it to the parents for the baby.
Anna So obviously a baby is too young to understand what's going on. Um, could you tell me why a parent might choose to have their baby baptised?
Rachel We believe that baptism is not just something we do, it's something that God does. So we believe that God is present at the baptism and is working in it, and Christians believe that as the baby grows, God is present with them and in their lives, and that they will come to understand what has happened to them in baptism.
Anna Some churches don't allow infant baptisms at all. They wait until the person is old enough to choose for themselves. This is called a believer's baptism.
Kenneth As a church, we practice believer's baptism, and that's different than some churches like the Church of England or the Roman Catholic Church. We believe baptism is for someone who consciously commits themselves to being a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Anna So how does baptism work in a Baptist church?
Kenneth Um, well, normally when people want to get baptised, they come to see me. That's usually anyone from sort of early teenage years and over, and so all, all ages. They'll come and we have a baptism class, we'll take them through three sessions and explain what baptism is and what it means for them as a Christian, and what it means for their, commitment to, commitment to the church. And then there's a time scheduled for baptism. Sometimes it's one person, sometimes there's a group, and it will happen here. This is the baptistry. And what will happen is on a on a Sunday morning, we'll have a congregation here. And at the end of the service the person will be asked to come up. They'll give what we call their testimony, they explain how they became a Christian, why they want to get baptised, what it means for them.
Oluwatoyin Learning to trust in him and state my life and forever.
Kenneth And then the person will come into the pool. So, they'll come up over here and down into the pool, there will usually be me or one of the other leaders of the church.
Kenneth And I'll ask them a question at that point.
Kenneth In your baptism, do you profess repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour? And upon your profession of repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, we baptise you in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Kenneth Baptism means partly that you identify with Jesus and His death and resurrection. And the Bible speaks about how someone whose trust in Jesus dies with Christ and his death on the cross is for them. And how he rose again, and there his resurrection is for them as well. And baptism is a very powerful picture of that, when you're immersed in water, going down into death, coming up into life.
Anna So as you can see, baptism can take many different forms, but ultimately it's about forgiveness and renewal.