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My Mum – What does your mum do for you? Whether you’re young or old, mums play a huge part in our lives – so here are just a few tributes from members of the public.

My Mum

Video length - 1.57
Published date - Feb 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Doorways: Kev – Thinking about leaving home? Kev is a Homeless Youth Specialist whose job it is to support young people and their families to help prevent homelessness. He takes us through what will happen if you go to the council for help, and what the reality is for young people trying to find accommodation.

Funded by Essex County Council.

Doorways: Kev

Video length - 04.52
Published date - Jan 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Doorways: Sebastian’s father threw him out when he was just 17, so he went to the council for help. He thought that all he would have to do was fill out a form to get a council flat, but in reality he had to spend a difficult time in a mixed hostel and a houseshare. Sebastian shares his experiences and talks about his ambitions for the future.

Funded by Essex County Council.

Doorways: Sebastian

Video length - 06.07
Published date - Jan 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Doorways: Holly left home at the age of 16 after a long period of stealing from her parents to fund a drug habit. She speaks frankly about her experiences in a “foyer” – supported housing for young people – and “sofa surfing” with her friends, and then back with her mother where she finally took the opportunity to turn her life around.

Funded by Essex County Council.

Doorways: Holly

Video length - 05.37
Published date - Jan 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Doorways: Sophie became homeless at the age of 18 when, with both her parents suffering from serious illnesses, family life became increasingly difficult. Sophie describes her time on the streets and in supported housing as she gradually gets her life back together.

Funded by Essex County Council.

Doorways: Sophie

Video length - 05.32
Published date - Jan 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Feeling Down? – It’s normal to feel down sometimes, but if it goes on for a long time it could be depression or “low mood”. One in eight teenagers suffer from depression, so there’s no need to feel alone. Here are some pointers to help you recognise the signs and some advice on how to get better.

Courtesy of Biomation

Feeling Down?

Video length - 04.44
Published date - Jan 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Life After Death? – Is there life after death? TrueTube took to the streets to ask members of the public (and a policeman) what they think will happen when they die…

TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:


Component 2 - Religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world: Theme B - Religion and life - The origins and value of human life - Religious teachings, beliefs and attitudes about death and an afterlife.


Area of study 1 -Section 1 - Muslim/Buddhist/Christian/Sikhism/Hinduism/Judaism beliefs about life after death Area of Study 1 - Section 4: Matters of Life and Death


Component Group 1–Beliefs and teachings & Practices - Judaism - Eschatological beliefs and teachings - Islam - Life after death (Akhirah) - Buddhism - Attitudes to death and mourning - Hinduism - The cycle of birth, life and death - Christianity - Eschatological beliefs and teachings


2.2 Unit 2 PART A - Christianity - Core beliefs, teachings and practices Beliefs - The Afterlife Ø Belief in life after death (John 3:16, John 11: 25-26 and Gospel records of the Resurrection) Ø Judgement, responsibility for actions (Matthew 25:31-46) and free will Ø Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15: 20-22) Ø Heaven and Hell (John 14:1-4; Luke 16:19-31)


Component 1 (Route A):Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World - Christianity - Beliefs about death and the afterlife ➢ Christian beliefs and teachings about life after death, including soul, judgement, heaven and hell: John 11:24-27, 1 Corinthians 15: 42-44 ➢ Diverse Christian beliefs about the afterlife ➢ How Christian and Humanist funerals in Britain reflect beliefs about the afterlife - Judaism - Beliefs about death and the afterlife ➢ Orthodox and Reform Jewish beliefs and teachings about life after death, including soul, judgement, heaven and hell, resurrection, sheol, olam ha-ba ➢ How Jewish and Humanist funerals in Britain reflect beliefs about the afterlife. Islam - Beliefs about death and the afterlife ➢ Islamic beliefs and teachings about life after death, including soul, judgement, akhirah, heaven and hell: Qur'an 46:33, 3:16 ➢ How Islamic and Humanist funerals in Britain reflect beliefs about the after life. Hindusim - Beliefs about death and the afterlife ➢ Hindu beliefs and teachings about life after death, including atman, samsara, reincarnation/transmigration and moksha: Bhagavad Gita 2: 12-13, 22, 27. Sikhism - Beliefs about death and the afterlife ➢ Sikh beliefs and teachings about life after death, soul, samsara, reincarnation/transmigration and mukti: Guru Granth Sahib 13. Buddhism - Beliefs about death and the afterlife ➢ Buddhist beliefs and teachings about life after death, including anatta, (s)kandhas, karma, samsara, nirvana, re-birth, realms of existence. Diverse views of Triratna Tradition which is not required to believe in life-to-life re-birth but rather, moment-to-moment rebirth

Life After Death?


Interviewee 1 I believe that when when I die, that I will cease to exist and my consciousness will no longer, uh, exist in any form.

Interviewee 2 I believe that after that we can meet with God, meet with God, and we can see the God.

Interviewee 3 I sort of believe in Buddhism, which um, um, uh, which which is about, uh, reincarnation and karma.

Interviewee 4 I believe when I die, basically, my body, my body's just manifestation of matter, and like, my soul is energy, so it's just going to transform into different forms, you know what I mean? I don't know what form it will be, but I don't think in the reincarnation sense, like I'll come back as another animal or living being, but I just know that my energy will transfer to where it needs to go.

Interviewee 5 As a Muslim, I believe after I die, my soul will be taken to my creator, where my creator tells me that I'll have to return to my body and wait till the day of judgement.

Interviewee 6 Uh, that you will face judgement, and depending on if you believe that Jesus is your saviour then you go with him to heaven, or you go to hell which is separation from God.

Interviewee 7 I believe that after death, I don't really know what's going to happen. I mean, I hope there's going to be something because I don't really like the idea of nothing happening after it, but I don't know what's going to happen. I don't really know what to believe in.

Interviewee 3 Nirvana is like, um, the stage of enlightenment once you've completed the cycle, so I guess you stop all suffering.

Interviewee 7 I don't have a word for it. I just like to believe that there's something out there, like a higher power, but whether it's God or just like some cosmic thing, like, I don't know. A force.

Interviewee 8 I think we're in hell on Earth now, and I think, um, after death, depending on how you live your life, you know, your principles and mor- your morals and principles, um, depends on whether or not you're going to go to heaven, but I think we're in hell now.

Interviewee 6 My beliefs come from the Bible, which is Christianity.

Interviewee 5 Um, most of my belief comes from the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. How the continuation of the three main great faith from Judaism to Christianity.

Interviewee 1 My beliefs come from the fact that I was brought up in an atheist household, and I've never had religion in my life at all.

Interviewee 8 Um, basically, this belief comes from just, just oh its just my general belief. I just think that this is hell now.

Interviewee 4 Well it's accumulation of looking into all religions and away from that, it's also my life's experience, you get me? I'd like to see myself as what they call the Five Percenters. The Nation of Gods and Earths.

Life After Death?

Video length - 2.51
Published date - Jan 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Education For All – Education is a right for all, not a privilege for a few. In October 2012, Pakistani schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head by the Taliban for publicly stating her belief that girls, as well as boys, are entitled to an education. Malala survived and received treatment in the UK for her injuries. This film was produced while she was still recovering in hospital to highlight the campaign for Global Education.

© The Office of the UN Special Envoy for Global Education

Education For All

Video length - 4.22
Published date - Nov 2012
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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I’m Sorry

When did you last say sorry? TrueTube takes to the streets and asks why saying sorry – and being forgiven – are so important to relationships of all kinds.

I’m Sorry

Published date - Sep 2012
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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The Modern Addiction

What are the signs of “porn addiction”? How does the internet impact this modern addiction? Sex addiction therapist, Paula Hall, discusses the causes of porn addiction and ways to tackle it.

The Modern Addiction

Video length - 05.43
Published date - May 2012
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5