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Coping With The World Of Words

Dyslexia can affect anyone, no matter how intelligent a person is… but how does dyslexia affect different people? Michelle shares her experiences with having dyslexia and interviews some experts.

Coping With The World Of Words

Video length - 04.45
Published date - May 2011
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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What Is Gay?

A short film dispelling any myths about the gay community by Out and About, a project of Youth Action. Made as part of the BoldVoices programme in partnership with BoldFace Productions and Community Foundation Northern Ireland.

What Is Gay?

Video length - 03.51
Published date - Mar 2011
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Travellers – We Are Not All The Same

A short film made by An Munia Tober and the Falls Women’s Centre about Travellers in Northern Ireland. Made as part of the BoldVoices programme in partnership with BoldFace Productions and Community Foundation Northern Ireland.

Travellers – We Are Not All The Same

Video length - 03.47
Published date - Mar 2011
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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I Am Homeless

A group of girls from Belfast investigate homelessness and are shocked at what they find. Made as part of the BoldVoices programme in partnership with BoldFace Productions and Community Foundation Northern Ireland.

I Am Homeless

Video length - 03.59
Published date - Mar 2011
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Muslim Prayer

How do Muslims pray? A young Muslim woman explains how she prepares for worship and demonstrates the movements she performs during prayer.

TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:



Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices- Islam -Practices and Duties - Five Pillars of Sunni Islam and the Ten Obligatory Acts of Shi’a Islam
Salah and its significance: how and why Muslims pray including times, directions, ablution (wudu), movements (rak’ahs) and recitations; salah in the home and mosque and elsewhere; Friday prayer: Jummah; key differences in the practice of salah in Sunni and Shi’a Islam, and different Muslim views about the importance of prayer.



Area of Study 3 - Section 3: Living the Muslim Life- Islam - Salah as one of the Five Pillars, including reference to Surah 15: 98–99 and 29: 45: the nature, history, significance and purpose of Salah for Sunni and Shi’a Muslims, including different ways of understanding them; how Salah is performed including ablution, times, directions, movements and recitations, in the home and mosque and Jummah prayer.



Component Group 1–Practices - Islam - Public acts of worship - Salah as direct communication with Allah - The importance of practices - The importance of the Ten Obligatory Acts to Shi’a Muslims • The meaning of the Ten Obligatory Acts: •• Salat Prayer •• Sawm: Fast •• Zakat/Zakah: similar to Sunni Islam, it applies to money •• Khums:an annual taxation of one-fifth of gains in a year •• Hajj: Pilgrimage •• Jihad: Struggle •• Amr-bil-Maroof: commanding what is good •• Nahi Anil: Munkar forbid what is evil •• Tawalla: expressing love towards good •• Tabarra:expressing disassociation from evil •Different interpretations and emphases given to sources of wisdom and authority by different Muslim groups



2.1 Unit 1 PART A - Part A Islam - Core beliefs, teachings and practices - Practices - The Five Pillars of Sunni Islam -Prayer/ Salat  Adhan call to prayer, praying at mosque and Friday Jummah prayer (Qur'an 15:9899, 29:45)  Praying at home, private prayer (Du'ah)  The preparations and intention for prayer: wudu and niyyah  The significance and symbolism of the different prayer positions that make a rakat (sequence of prayer) Obligatory Acts  Shahadah: the Muslim profession of faith in Allah and the prophet Muhammad; occasions when the Shahadah is recited, e.g. aqiqah ceremony, conversion to Islam  Zakat: paying an alms (or charity) tax to benefit others, what zakat tax may be used for, and additional charity (saddaqah)  Sawm: Fasting during the month of Ramadan. How and why Muslims fast during Ramadan and rules about halal and haram diet (Qur'an 2:183)



Component 3 (Route A): Study of a World Faith: Option 3: Islam:Practices: The Five Pillars of Sunni Islam: practices in Britain and elsewhere:Salah: the practices of prayer in Islam in the mosque and at home, including Jummah prayer: Qur'an 15:98-99, Qur'an 29:45

Muslim Prayer

S1           Muslims have five duties in life. They are called the Five Pillars of Islam. The second pillar is Salah, the duty to pray five times a day. Muslims say these prayers in Arabic and go through a series of movements called Rak'ah. The number of rak'ahs will depend on which prayer is being performed. Before Muslims pray, they must remove their shoes and perform a special wash called wudhu. Then they must make sure that their body is fully covered. Women should wear a headscarf. Finally, they need to find a clean space in which to pray. A prayer mat will do and must face in the right direction, the direction of the Kaaba in Makkah. This is called the qibla. Now let's see how the prayers are performed.

S1           (Prayer is said in Arabic)

S1           This series of movements is known as one rak'ah, and is repeated a number of times depending on the prayer. Then, the rest of the prayer is continued.

S1           (Prayer is said in Arabic)

S1           After the prayer is complete, it is common for Muslims to make Du'a to God, asking for forgiveness and blessings. The prayer is said in Arabic, but the Du'a be said in any language. And that's how Muslims perform their Salah.

Muslim Prayer

Video length - 02.36
Published date - Mar 2011
Keystage(s) - 2, 3, 4 and 5
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RND – Classic Match Of The Day

Des Lynam asks the Match of the Day panel if they can talk about something other than football for a change. A classic clip from Red Nose Day. Don’t forget to get your donation in to Comic Relief! You can find out more on the: Red Nose Day website or the Comic Relief website

RND – Classic Match Of The Day

Video length - 01.49
Published date - Mar 2011
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Story Of A Young Carer

Young people in Blackpool made this film about what it feels like to care for a parent. Jaymelea describes a typical day looking after her mum.

Story Of A Young Carer

Video length - 03.36
Published date - Feb 2011
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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The Chinese Zodiac

Do you believe in horoscopes and zodiacs? TrueTube went to London’s China Town and asked the visitors how well they matched the description in their Chinese Zodiac.

The Chinese Zodiac

Video length - 03.21
Published date - Jan 2011
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Multicultural London

Members of a youth club in London discuss the challenges and advantages of living in a culturally diverse city.

Multicultural London

Video length - 03.17
Published date - Jan 2011
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Take It

A group of teenagers meet in Stratford town centre ready for it all to kick off. And give out cakes. This film was made as part of the 48 Hour Guerilla Film Challenge run by Germination with support from Media Box and the City of London.

Take It

Video length - 03.14
Published date - Dec 2010
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4