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Loss Without Warning

Ella lost her father to a rare blood disease, after he had got over cancer only a few months before. With great strength, she talks about the experience of losing her dad and how she has coped since.

Loss Without Warning

Video length - 05.22
Published date - Aug 2009
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Pressure Point

Andy Barton discusses pressures on young sports people to succeed. His commentary is highlighted by a narrative given by Jo Ankier, an athlete who narrowly missed out on the opportunity to represent Britain in Beijing. Jo explains how the pressure she put on herself affected not only her performance but her whole life.

Pressure Point

Video length - 03.31
Published date - Jul 2009
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Jennifer’s Story

Jennifer was born a boy and knew from a young age that she was in the wrong body. She explains how her childhood was influenced by her gender-confusion and how she feels now she has begun surgery.

Jennifer’s Story

Video length - 03.21
Published date - Jul 2009
Keystage(s) - 4
Downloadable resources

Farming For Our Future

Chrissy talks about self-sufficient farming, where individuals grow what they need to eat. She explains the implications our current farming methods and eating habits have on our economy and society.

Farming For Our Future

Video length - 4.05
Published date - Jul 2009
Keystage(s) - 4
Downloadable resources

Democracy In The UK

A very clear, introductory presentation regarding the nature of democracy in the UK.

Democracy In The UK

Video length - 05.06
Published date - May 2009
Keystage(s) - 4

Fortress Europe

Are Europe’s immigration laws being pushed too far? Asian Dub Foundation’s Chandrasonic (a.k.a. Steve Savale) shares his opinions on the matter.

Fortress Europe

Video length - 02.41
Published date - May 2009
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Fighting to Vote

Afghan refugee Ahmad has strong opinions on voting and democracy. He compares our freedoms to the suppression of the people in his home country where people die for the liberties we take for granted.

Fighting to Vote

Video length - 03.25
Published date - May 2009
Keystage(s) - 4

It’s My Life

Sarah Coupe was born with only one kidney and a hole in her heart. Now a feisty 19 year old, Sarah shows how she has lived a full and successful life in spite of her physical troubles. She encourages everybody to make the most of what they have and to live life to the full.

It’s My Life

Video length - 05.13
Published date - May 2009
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Long to Belong

As animals, we instinctively form a pack, and this aspect of our human nature has always directed our desire for social acceptance. But in today’s world, with online social networking, increased social mobility and a general reduction in social barriers, how is this tribal instinct manifesting itself?

Long to Belong

Video length - 03.13
Published date - May 2009
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4