Willie MacKenzie from Greenpeace discusses the importance of the ocean. He shares facts and figures about humankind’s damage to the ocean environment due to climate change, high levels of fishing and lack of care.
This animation shows how far each ingredient in a sandwich travels before it arrives packed together on a plate, making viewers aware of the environmental impact of foods we take for granted.
Should we buy British in order to support our local producers or trade fairly abroad in order to support the developing world? In this film, advocates for each points of view argue their case.
Robin, a chef, demonstrates how we can support our economy by shopping in our locality. He argues that locally sourced food is tastier, as well as being kind to our community.
TrueTube takes to the street to share statistics on domestic violence and to hear the general public’s response. People are shocked by the surprising figures, which show 20% of men admitting to some form of domestic violence.