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Liver Longtime

With alcohol consumption on the rise, liver disease is rocketing. Should we all pay the price for other people’s binge drinking?

Liver Longtime

Video length - 2.15
Published date - Feb 2009
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

At Our Service

Genetically engineering animals to serve our needs: how far can we go?

At Our Service

Video length - 2.01
Published date - Feb 2009
Keystage(s) - 4

Save Them To Save Us

Why should we care about endangered species? Helen Meredith from ZSL London Zoo explains why we should save the animals in order to save ourselves.

Save Them To Save Us

Video length - 4.00
Published date - Jan 2009
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Missing Models

Jess Kellgran-Hayes took part in Britain’s Missing Top Model.  In this film she discusses the modelling industry’s narrow minded approach to disability and why this has to change.

Missing Models

Video length - 03.33
Published date - Jan 2009
Keystage(s) - 4

Testing Testing One Two Three

Do we need animal testing to keep us alive? Tom Holder from Oxford student group ‘Pro-test’ talks about why he supports this cause despite opposition.

Testing Testing One Two Three

Video length - 03.17
Published date - Jan 2009
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

I Want to Be a Super-Hero

Julian Savulescu, Profession of Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford, talks about the realistic scientific potential for introducing super-hero-like characteristics into the human race, and what the implications of this would be.

I Want to Be a Super-Hero

Video length - 02.29
Published date - Jan 2009
Keystage(s) - 4
Downloadable resources

Fitter Faster Future

How far can we use science to affect our sporting ability before it over-rides the point of sport all together? Experts discuss the legal and illegal options available to athletes now and in the future.

Fitter Faster Future

Video length - 02.44
Published date - Jan 2009
Keystage(s) - 4
Downloadable resources

Skin Damage

Skin treatments designed to make us lighter can be just as dangerous as those intended to make us darker. In this film, skin experts give advice on how to keep skin healthy and avoid longer term, potentially fatal, damage to skin.

Skin Damage

Video length - 03.00
Published date - Jan 2009
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Ivana’s Story

Ivana had breast reduction surgery after her breasts grew to an unmanageable size. Here she talks about the difference between having cosmetic surgery for health reasons, and going under the knife for the sake of vanity.

Ivana’s Story

Video length - 03.03
Published date - Jan 2009
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources


An animated game looking at some of the conspiracy theories that circulate on the internet, and revealing a few you might think are false theories, but are partly based in fact…


Video length - 04.42
Published date - Jan 2009
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4