Great British Ramadan
Of course, I enjoy Ramadan here, because, you know what, I make Ramadan.
You create your own scene, get together with your Muslim friends, go eat somewhere.
Every single Muslim around the world is doing the exact same thing.
It's just fun. Sometimes it's fun, like to be a part of everyone. What everyone's doing.
Ramadan is a time once in the year where you come, where you can fill up on spirituality and then use that spirituality throughout the year.
The hardest thing about fasting would probably be, um, no food or drink.
Look at the food, I'm so hungry. Oh, that's my weak point, surrounded by food, pastries, sandwiches, biscuits.
Thinking about people who don't have food. That's really what we're meant to be doing. Thinking about the poor.
People are constantly consuming food, whether it's, even me, like, personally, I always snack. It's quite scary because when you go on the streets, everybody's just eating. When I fast, I realise that I don't really need to be eating constantly.
You're so hungry by the end of it, that people, I think you'll find more ways to be excited, it's like, you know, when you believe it, you buy it, buy it, and then you just eat more. Just hearing that it's Ramadan, you just want to be good.
It's really useful to me. Like, because it's not just fasting from food, it's fasting from a lot of stuff. I tend to swear quite a lot. I mean, Ramadan, like I make a conscious effort to not do it.
I start like backbiting about people.
Oh, so you backbite
You don't, if you don't live up to to being that good, I don't know, I feel a sense of guilt.
You have, you have no excuse. The devil's locked up and you know nothing can whisper in your ear, and this is you. When I come to, like, like gossip or just do something like innocent like that, I feel like, wow, this is really me, and I'm such a bad gossip.
The point is that, like, humans sin by nature, you can't help it. You're like, if you fall and you do it, then you do it. And then Ramadan is a time to repent. It's tiring. It's, it's fun and not fun at the same time.
There's a word called Jihad, which is often misused a lot, and jihad is any struggle for God. You're hungry, you're thirsty, and you're still trying to, you know, concentrate on telling the truth, worshipping, not, like, backbiting, it's like, you know, you've got no fuel in your body.
Oh, I'm so excited! So excited.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
I wanna thank you Allah for the food, for giving us good health.