key_stages: Key Stage 4 (Age 14-16)
Model United Nations
TrueTube travelled to Haileybury School to see how a Model United Nations conference works and why you should get involved. The MUN debates global issues by simulating the diplomacy and practices of the UN. The MUN is open to all schools and universities: in 2007, 515 delegates from all over the world attended the MUN conference at Haileybury School in Hertfordshire. Students explain how it can enhance young people’s personal development, confidence, and social and political awareness.
From England To Madagascar
Jenny shares her travels and experiences in Madagascar, highlighting the differences in lifestyle between busy, chaotic London and the laid-back remote Madagascan village. Thoroughly enjoying her time, Jenny leaves Madagascar contemplating her life back home, the lessons she’s learnt and reassessing what she values in life.
Cleaner Medina
The Cleaner Medina project is a clean-up initiative run by the Muslim Community in Birmingham. We hear their views and opinions as to why a cleaner community is a healthier community, the lack of attention from the council surrounding the issue and how it ties in with their faith during Ramadan.