key_stages: Key Stage 4 (Age 14-16)
Benefits Are An Aid, Not An Answer – A Benefit Agency Worker shares their opinion on benefits, benefit fraud and the benefit system as a whole. Addressing different situations they’ve found themselves in: claimants who lie to gain benefits and young claimers who don’t know the system that well, they offer a deeper insight into benefits.
I Have the Ability – Daryl tells the story of his upbringing and the people he went to school with. He argues that he has abilities and ambitions despite his underprivileged background and education. He believes that if he puts his mind to it he will be able to achieve his goals, however he doesn’t shy away from the fact it will be harder for him than the more fortunate.
‘Tis The Season To Spend – One family’s views on Christmas and the pressures that build on parents to provide the latest, coolest presents for their children. Strong differences emerge between the Christmas of the modern day and the Christmas of not so long ago, however, parents are often willing to go into debt to have a happy Christmas for the whole family.
French Letters, British Lovers – David Machin condemns the media’s irresponsible attitude towards sex, and its implications. He argues that it is important to empower young people to make healthy choices by changing the way sex is publicised. The current portrayal is going to perpetuate the increasing rise in HIV and AIDS in the UK.