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Off The Grid

Is it possible to live out of the government’s clutch? One man, explains how his way of life allows him to escape the ‘nanny state’.

Off The Grid

Video length - 03.38
Published date - Jun 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Freedom Vs Security

Do we require security systems to watch us in order to keep us safe? How far should we let the state go in its mission to protect us?

Freedom Vs Security

Video length - 04.02
Published date - Jun 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Dream Holiday

What’s your dream holiday? TrueTube looks into where members of the public would go to relax abroad.

Dream Holiday

Video length - 02.12
Published date - May 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Nature Vs Nurture – Feminism

Are there biological reasons for the lack of women in the workplace? Have genes kept them chained to the oven (and the cradle) or is it just the ideologies we live with? Kierra Box, youth worker and feminist, battles it out with a research biochemist for the answer to ‘the baby question’.

Nature Vs Nurture – Feminism

Video length - 03.16
Published date - Mar 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

I’d Do It For Peace

TrueTube takes to the streets and challenges the public: what would you fight for? How far would you go to achieve peace? Can war ever be justified? Would you break the law for something you believe in?

I’d Do It For Peace

Video length - 02.21
Published date - Feb 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Doom and Gloom of the New Year

Vox pops about why January and February are considered the bleakest months of the year, and what people can do to cheer themselves up during the winter months.

Doom and Gloom of the New Year

Video length - 1.35
Published date - Jan 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Organ Donors

TrueTube challenges the public on their opinions of organ donation, asking: whether or not they have a donor card; whether they’d be comfortable with giving others their organs; and if it’s right for the government to change the laws on organ donation.

Organ Donors

Video length - 02.29
Published date - Jan 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Christmas in a Gutter – TrueTube takes to the streets to ask if Christmas makes people think more about those who live in poverty. The general public answer questions concerning how guilty they feel around the seasonal celebrations for the homeless, those less fortunate and the poor.

Christmas in a Gutter

Video length - 01.58
Published date - Dec 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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So You Think You’re Poor? – TrueTube hits the streets asking the general public how much money they think they would need to last a week, and what essentials do they feel they could not live without. We then watch their reaction after learning how much half the world’s population gets to live off.

So You Think You’re Poor?

Video length - 1.36
Published date - Dec 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Who and Why – Interviews with random members of the public reveal why people believe bullying happens, what they consider bullying to be and who they believe is most likely to get bullied.

Who and Why

Video length - 01.51
Published date - Nov 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources