Shia // Sunni
Fatimah You need to sit up straight.
Abubakr Salaam alaikum.
Fatimah Alaikum salaam.
Abubakr Forgot mine. Thanks.
Fatimah No problem.
Abubakr Oh, sorry.
Abubakr Are you on your way to the mosque.
Fatimah Yeah. We're gonna be late.
Abubakr Oh, yeah. Oh.
Fatimah It's okay, just wait.
Abubakr I don't know you. What's your name?
Fatimah Fatimah. You?
Abubakr Abubakr.
Fatimah Oh.
Abubakr Wait. Are you Shia? You're Shia, innit? I'll see you later.
Fatimah What?
Abubakr I'm only messing with you, man.
Fatimah What's your problem?
Abubakr No, no, there's no problem. Hey.
Fatimah If you've got something to say, then, then say it.
Abubakr No, I mean, well, it's like you've all got chips on your shoulders.
Fatimah What?
Fatimah No, it's a chip on your shoulder, and I haven't.
Abubakr You have.
Fatimah I haven't.
Abubakr So why are you all up in my face then?
Fatimah You're always making out you're better than us.
Abubakr Who?
Fatimah Sunnis. You're always making out that Sunnis are better than Shias.
Abubakr That's because we are better than you.
Fatimah We're all Muslim. Just because there's more of you doesn't mean you're more right.
Abubakr Well..
Fatimah We do everything you do. We believe the Qur'an is Allah's words, we believe in the same prophets, we eat Halal, we give to charity, we fast during Ramadan, we say the five prayers every day.
Abubakr Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, that is just so wrong that I can't even begin to explain.
Fatimah What?
Abubakr First of all- Man, I don't even know where to begin. First of all, Shias only pray three times a day. That's just wrong.
Fatimah No we don't.
Abubakr Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that we should be praying five times a day.
Fatimah We say the five prayers, we just pair them up. We do dhuhr and 'asr together in the middle of the day and maghrib and isha in the evening. Sunnis are allowed to do that too.
Abubakr Yeah, but that's totally different.
Fatimah How is that totally different?
Abubakr Because we don't do that all the time. We only do it when we miss one. And you do that thing with a brick.
Fatimah What brick?
Abubakr You know, the brick, the brick. The brick that you pray on. When we pray, we put our heads to the floor. You put your heads on a brick.
Fatimah It's not a brick, it's a-
Abubakr What?
Fatimah Okay. Okay. It's a brick. But it's because Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam prayed on the ground and not on a carpet.
Abubakr Yeah, okay.
Fatimah Other than that, we pray exactly the same.
Abubakr No you don't. We cross our arms whilst we pray. You guys just put your hands by your sides.
Fatimah Right? Apart from that.
Abubakr You fast wrong in Ramadan.
Fatimah We fast wrong?
Abubakr Yeah. Why do you always start a day after us?
Fatimah Why do you always start a day before us?
Abubakr The month of Ramadan starts, yeah, when we see the new moon in the sky, so it should be the same for every single Muslim.
Fatimah Sunnis don't all start on the same day, some of you start when Pakistan says so, some of you start when Saudi Arabia says so. We always start when Iran says so.
Abubakr Yeah, but what about at sunset? You know, when you're allowed to eat, you lot just take it a little bit further. What are you trying to prove, that you can fast longer than us?
Fatimah No. We just want to make sure the sun is definitely set. We don't want to cheat.
Abubakr Cheat? So I'm a cheat now am I? Getting a little bit personal? Are we? Why? Because you're losing the argument.
Fatimah Oh, you're such a man. Not everything has to be a competition.
Abubakr Okay, sister, whatever you say, yeah.
Fatimah Don't sister me. I'm not your sister. And we're not children. I told you my name, so use it.
Abubakr Okay, sister.
Fatimah Stop it. Stop picking on me.
Abubakr I'm not picking on you. It's just a bit of banter. Don't be a martyr about it.
Fatimah That's not funny.
Abubakr What? Woah!
Fatimah I'm so sorry. Are you okay?
Abubakr Do I look okay?
Fatimah Come on. Don't just stand there.
Abubakr Okay, where were we?
Fatimah What? You need to go get dry.
Abubakr If I go now, you've won. I can't let you win by pushing me into the pond.
Fatimah I saved your life. No. Before with the inhaler.
Abubakr How did you clock me as a Sunni, anyway?
Fatimah Your name?
Abubakr Oh, yeah.
Fatimah You wouldn't be Shia with that name.
Abubakr Oh, you want to go there, do you? Abubakr, Muhammad's best friend. Right.
Fatimah Well...
Abubakr No, no, no, no, no, we're sorting this out. Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was the last and greatest prophet of Allah, right?
Fatimah Yeah.
Abubakr Yes, so when he died, the first Muslims had to decide on a new leader, right?
Fatimah Yeah. But they-
Abubakr No, no, no, hear me out. You pushed me into the pond, yeah? Now hear what I got to say, the first Muslims had to decide on a new leader, and they had to choose somebody who was good at it, somebody who was there from the very start with Muhammad. Abubakr, who ended up becoming caliph, the successor.
S1 But that's not what Muhammad wanted. He said that Ali should be the new leader after he died. Ali, what?
Fatimah But that's not what Muhammad wanted. He said that Ali should be the new leader after he died.
Abubakr Ali.
Fatimah What?
Abubakr You lot are all so obsessed with Ali. Like he's important, yeah, but he's not that important. He's quite important. But he's not the most important. He's important yeah but-
Fatimah What are you talking about?
Abubakr You think he was a prophet? That's just wrong.
Fatimah No we don't.
Abubakr Yes, you do.
Fatimah Don't tell me what I believe.
Abubakr You add his name to the call to prayer. It should be (says call to prayer in Arabic). What do you say?
Fatimah The same.
Abubakr And
Fatimah (speaks in Arabic)
Abubakr Exactly. That's just wrong.
Fatimah It's not. Wrong. It's just different. Ali wasn't a prophet, but he was married to Fatimah, Muhammad's daughter. He was a son in law and his cousin, his closest relative. That's why Mohammed chose him to be the new leader. Abubakr took over, while Ali and the rest of the family were still at the funeral.
S1 Wrong. It's just different. Ali wasn't a prophet, but he was married to Fatimah, Muhammad's daughter. He was a son in law and his cousin, his closest relative. That's why Mohammed chose him to be the new leader. Abu Bakr took over, while Ali and the rest of the family were still at the funeral.
Abubakr You make it sound like it was some sort of conspiracy theory, like it was our plan to cut Ali out, Abubakr was chosen. Yeah, because he was the best man for the job, end of.
Fatimah Ali should have been the new leader. Mohammed chose him, end of.
Abubakr No, he didn't.
Fatimah Yes, he did.
Abubakr He didn't.
Fatimah He did.
Abubakr He didn't!
Fatimah Did!
Abubakr But, Ali got to be caliph later anyway. So, what's your problem?
Fatimah You murdered Hussein.
Abubakr Oh, I haven't murdered anyone.
Fatimah Hussein? Ali's son, Muhammad Alaihi Wasallam's grandson. He was murdered at Gobela by Sunnis.
Abubakr That had nothing to do with us. The guy who killed him wasn't even Muslim. But you guys won't ever let that go. And every year on the day that Hussein died, you do that wailing and that grieving, whipping your own backs, cutting yourselves with razors. That's just crazy, man.
Fatimah We don't all do that. I don't do that. Does it look like I do that? That's just.
Abubakr That's what I'm saying.
Fatimah Yeah. What? I'm not disagreeing with you.
Abubakr Oh.
Fatimah Aren't you cold?
Abubakr No.
Abubakr My granddad says when he first came to the UK, Sunnis and Shias used to live on the same streets and go to the same mosques. You don't call it a mosque, though, do you? What do you call it again?
Fatimah Imambara.
Abubakr Even though you're wrong-
Fatimah I'm not.
Abubakr You are. This has been good, right? I haven't had a proper discussion like this, like, ever. Never got this at Koran school. Man, them days were long. Coming home from school, running over to the mosque.
Fatimah Learning the prayers, learning the Arabic, reading the Qur'an.
Abubakr Over and over and over again.
Fatimah I liked it. I thought it was pretty easy.
Abubakr Yeah, you would, wouldn't you? Uh, okay. Uh, I should go.
Fatimah Yeah. You're gonna get ill.
Abubakr Yeah. My mate lives just there so I can get some clothes off him.
Fatimah Good.
Abubakr It was nice meeting you.
Fatimah You too.
Abubakr Thanks for saving my life. Yeah.
Fatimah No problem. You have to sit together. Asthma sufferers.
Abubakr Salaam alaikum.
Fatimah Alaikum salaam.
Abubakr I gave you your inhaler, didn't I?
Fatimah Yeah, yeah. Thank you. I better head off to mosque. I'm gonna be late.
Abubakr Which way are you going?
Fatimah That way.
Abubakr Oh, I'm going that way.
Fatimah Right then.
Abubakr Yeah.