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Charlie and Blue Hear all about Hindu Worship – Zippity-zip, let’s go on a trip! Charlie and her favourite soft toy (and best friend) Blue visit a Hindu Mandir where Geetha shows them how Hindus use their senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell in worship.

TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:


Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teaching and practices: Hinduism - Worship and festivals: places of worship - The importance of places of worship - Worship in the home, the temple, outdoors (such as shrines, and in the space of the heart.


Area of Study 2 – Hinduism - Section 3: Living the Hindu Life - The importance of Hindu places of worship: the nature, features of use and purpose of worship in different places, including in the temple, in the home, outside, including shrines and festival celebration and in the space of the heart, with reference to interpretations of Bhagavad Gita 9.13–27; the benefits for Hindus of having different places to worship in.


Component Group 1 -Hinduism- Beliefs and teachings & Practices - Approaching deity •Different Hindu understandings of the role,f orms and importance of the following types of worship: •• Havan or homa •• Puja •• Meditation •• Japa •• Bhajan or kirtan •• Darshan • The nature and importance of sacred places and spaces for Hindu worship: •• Temples •• Shrines •• Sites of pilgrimage •• Outdoors •• Hills and rivers 


2.1 Unit 1 PART A - Hinduism - Core beliefs, teachings and practices -Practices - Worship  Features and importance of daily puja in the home: (Bhagavad Gita 3:19, 4:38)  Features and importance of congregational puja in the mandir (including devotions to the murti, arti and havan)  Diversity in Vaishnavite and Shaivite worship  Significance of bhakti  Role, importance and features of pilgrimage to Varanasi 


Component 3 (Route B) - Option 2: Hinduism - Beliefs and teachings -Practices -Places of worship in Britain and elsewhere ➢ Features and importance of daily puja in the home ➢ Features and importance of congregational puja in the mandir ➢ Diversity of views and practices: Vaishnava and Shaiva bhakti ➢ Hindu mandirs in Britain compared to those in India ➢ Features and importance of worship at outdoor shrines Worship/meditation ➢ The significance of different forms of worship/meditation; havan, puja, arati, darshan Bhagavad Gita 9.26, bhajan/kirtan, japa: Bhagavad Gita 3.19, 4.38, 6.11–12

Charlie and Blue Hear All About Hindu Worship

Charlie       Wake up blue.

Blue           Hello, Charlie. Hello, you.

Blue           It's dancing time.

Charlie       Blue. Blue!. Sorry, Blue. Did I scare you?

Blue           What do you think? Did you want something?

Charlie       I just wanted to know what you were listening to.

Blue           Oh, why didn't you ask?

Charlie       I tried, but you didn't hear me. Hmm.

Blue           Why are our senses so important?

Charlie       Because without them, we wouldn't be able to see, or hear, or feel, or anything. Hindus use all of their senses when they go to the temple to pray to God. I learned about it in school today. This is a picture of a Hindu god called Ganesha in a shrine. That's a special place for praying to God.

Blue           What do they do with all those things?

Charlie       Why don't you come with me and find out?

S3               Zippity zip. Let's go on a trip.

Geetha       Hello, Charlie. Hello, blue.

Charlie and Blue         Hello, Geetha.

Geetha       Welcome to the Sri Ganapathy temple. Now, when we normally come to the temple, we always wear some special clothes. So would you like to have some as well?

Charlie       Yes, please.

Blue           Yes, please.

Geetha       Right. So for Charlie we've got a lovely shawl. And it's blue as well. Then we've got a special shawl for Blue. Two bangles. We have a special bindi or pottu that we put on our forehead. Now, would you like to come in and see the temple?

Charlie and Blue         Yes, please.

Geetha       Come on.

Blue           Who's that?

Geetha       This is Lord Ganesha. As Hindus, we believe that God comes in many different forms and he's one of the most important ones, because all Hindus pray to him, and we pray to him to remove all the problems that we have in our lives. Many Hindus will have a statue of him in their homes.

Blue           Why does he have an elephant's head?

Geetha       Well, when we think of elephants, we always think of them as being kind and strong and wise, and hopefully we will try and bring those things in ourselves as well. And we know that he'll be strong enough and wise enough to help us remove all those problems in our lives.

Blue           Why is there so much stuff all around him?

Geetha       Well, this is a special place called a shrine, and it's where we worship God. And all the things that you see in front of you are the things that we offer to him, when we do our prayers. And we use all our senses so that we can concentrate fully on our prayers to him.

Blue           What are senses?

Geetha       Well, they're the things that help us make sense of the world, um, and so we have five of them, and they are sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell.

Blue           So I can see the statue.

Geetha       Yes, it's called a murti. It's an image of God, and you can see all the beautiful flowers and the lamps, the garlands and the clothes and the beautiful jewellery. It makes our sense of sight happy. What can you smell?

Blue           So I can smell something smoky and sweet and flowery.

Geetha       Well, that's the incense, and also the strings of flowers, which we call garlands.

Blue           But I can't hear anything.

Geetha       Well, it's quiet now, but when we do our service, then we might play music, or we may sing, or we'll have the bell ringing, or we might blow a conch.

Blue           What's a conch?

Geetha       Well, it's a seashell which is found in India, which is where our religion began, and if you blow in it hard, it can make a really loud sound like a trumpet.

Blue           What do you touch?

Geetha       Well, in our shrines at home, we're allowed to touch the murtis. Here at the temple. We're not allowed to do so, but the priests will touch them. And we treat them as the most important person in our lives, so we bathe them daily. We put new beautiful clothes on them and all the garlands to make them look beautiful. We also put special powder on our forehead, which is called a bindi or a potu, um, and then we also put our hands together in prayer and that makes our sense of touch happy.

Blue           What do you taste?

Geetha       Well, that's the bit that everybody enjoys. We make special sweets, which we offer to God, and also all the sorts of fruits that we can think of. And once it's been blessed, then we give it to everybody to share, and it's called prasad.

Blue           Yummy.

Charlie       Time to go home now, blue.

Blue           Thank you for answering my questions.

Geetha       You're welcome. This is a special flower to remind you of your visit to the temple.

Blue           Thank you.

Charlie       What did we learn today?

Blue           Well, today we went to a mandir that's a Hindu temple. And we learnt that, Hindus believe that God can be seen in many different forms. Murtis are statues of gods that Hindus use in worship. Sight, sound, smell, taste and touch are all used when Hindus worship.

Blue           Shh. Guess who.

Charlie       Blue, I told you before, this game doesn't work when there's only the two of us!

Blue           I wish I knew why.

Charlie       Good night. Blue.

Blue           Night, Charlie.

Charlie and Blue Hear all about Hindu Worship

Video length - 7.17
Published date - Jun 2016
Keystage(s) - 1
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Refugee – If you were forced to leave your home and could only take one bag, what would you take? In this short drama, we meet a young girl and her family in an unknown land and discover how they came to be there, far away from home.

TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:


Component 2 - Religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world: Theme D - Religion, peace and conflict - Religious responses to victims of war: To look at a present day religious organisation that helps victims of war.


Area of Study 2: Religion, Peace and Conflict - Section 4: Peace and Conflict- Attitudes to issues surrounding conflict:


Componet Group 2–Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a religious perspective - religion, peace and conflict; violence, war, pacifism, terrorism, just war theory, holy war; the role of religion and belief in 21st centuryc onflict and peace making; the concepts of justice, forgiveness and reconciliation


PART B - Theme 2: Issues of Human Rights - Human Rights and Social Justice


Component 1 (Route A) Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World Theme 3 : Issues of Good and Evil


Dad         Jamie. Ash. Ash, Ash, what have you lost?

Mum       I don't know, Jamie. We've just got to keep going.

Mum       Oh my God.

Mum       Ash, careful.

Man        Pick a card. Any card. So what have you got? You know what it is, okay. You remember it. Put on the deck, please. Take a bit more than that. Shuffle that. Cover that, special kind of shuffle.

Man        At this point card could be anywhere. That's out, there. That's not your card. Okay, we can work with this. Think very hard about your card. I'm gonna read your mind. And I think your card is.

Man        You had it hidden all the time, didn't you? It's behind your ear.

Dad         Ashley. Come on.

Mum       Did you manage to get any sleep at all, darling?

Ashley     Yeah.

Mum       Good girl. I found us something to eat. Oh, I'm sorry, darling. That's all there is.

Ashley     Just eat round it.

Dad         Ashley. Come on.

Jamie       I'm tired. Can you carry me?

Ashley     I'm tired. You carry me.

Jamie       I need a wee

Dad         Don't use the water for that.

Mum       It needs to be clean. I'm in a minute, darling. Stay still. I think it's still in there.

Jamie       Mum!

Mum       Ash, can you take him?

Dad         Don't go far.

Jamie       I need to wee.

Mum       Quickly. Please, Mark. Come on, come on.

Dad         Grab your bag.

Mum       What?

Dad         Quickly!

Dad         Come on. Darling.

Mum       What are you doing?

Dad         We can't stay here. Ashley, no! This side. Come on. Come on. Come on. Ashley.

Dad         Got your bag, darling?

Ashley     Yeah.

Dad         Okay. Come on, let's go.

Ashley     Okay.

Dad         Well, things have changed. There isn't a choice.

Mum       This is their home.

Dad         They're stuck in the middle of a war zone. Do you really want to wait until one of the kids is killed?

Mum       We don't have anywhere to.

Dad         I'm going to to get Jamie. Ash.

Ashley     Yeah.

Dad         Come on. Okay. Be back in a minute.

Voice       Please. Come on.

Dad         Here we are.

Mum       Oh. Hi, darling.

Dad         Hey.

Mum       Good timing.

Ashley     Look what Grandpa lent me.

Mum       That was kind of him.

Ashley     Have you been taking photos on the way home from school?

Jamie       Grandpa!

Grandpa  What about-

Mum       Take one of dad, he loves having his photo taken. No!

Grandpa  Don't tell your mother. Our secret? Okay.

Grandpa  Oh, a spy

Ashley     Smile.

Grandpa  What should we say?

Jamie       Banana.

Grandpa  Bananas!


Video length - 11.58
Published date - Jun 2016
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5
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Charlie and Blue Learn about Enlightenment – Zippity-zip, let’s go on a trip! Charlie and her favourite soft toy (and best friend) Blue visit a Buddhist Centre to find out what it means to be enlightened, and how Buddhists try to live more peaceful lives.

Charlie and Blue Learn about Enlightenment

Video length - 5.50
Published date - May 2016
Keystage(s) - 1
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Charlie and Blue Celebrate Passover – Zippity-zip, let’s go on a trip! Charlie and her favourite soft toy (and best friend) Blue visit a Jewish neighbour called Rachel to find out what Jews celebrate at the festival of Passover.

Charlie and Blue Celebrate Passover

Video length - 5.29
Published date - May 2016
Keystage(s) - 1
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God is in the Boat – The island of Lesvos in Greece, 2016: refugees fleeing war and hardship are arriving in their thousands. In this film, we hear from some of the refugees, and from the volunteers who feel it is their humanitarian duty to help them.

God is in the Boat

Video length - 4.40
Published date - Apr 2016
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5
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Charlie and Blue Find Out about Jesus – Zippity-zip, let’s go on a trip! Charlie and her favourite soft toy (and best friend) Blue go to a Church where they meet Chris to find out why Christians give to charity, and why they do their best to follow Jesus by helping other people.

Charlie and Blue Find Out about Jesus

Video length - 5.10
Published date - Apr 2016
Keystage(s) - 1
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Charlie and Blue Go to a Gurdwara – Zippity-zip, let’s go on a trip! Charlie and her favourite soft toy (and best friend) Blue go to a Gurdwara where they meet Pawandeep to find out how Sikhs show that everyone should be treated equally.

Charlie and Blue Go to a Gurdwara

Video length - 05.03
Published date - Mar 2016
Keystage(s) - 1
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In Their Shoes: Lee and Lucy – Lee was killed in a car accident at the age of just 21. His parents agreed that all of his organs could be used for transplantation, apart from his heart; but they now wish they’d allowed Lee’s heart to help someone else as well.

In Their Shoes: Lee and Lucy

Video length - 03.51
Published date - Feb 2016
Keystage(s) - 4
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In Their Shoes: James – James was born without fully-formed kidneys and eventually received a transplant. He and his parents talk about the difference it made to his life – eventually enabling him to compete in the British Transplant Games.

In Their Shoes: James

Video length - 03.12
Published date - Feb 2016
Keystage(s) - 4
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In Their Shoes: Diane and Tuhin – Diane’s daughter died at the age of just 18, but out of that tragedy, two children received donated corneas and were able to see again. The donated organs and other body parts of just one person can potentially save the lives of 5 to 7 people.

In Their Shoes: Diane and Tuhin

Video length - 3.58
Published date - Feb 2016
Keystage(s) - 4
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