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The Sikh Naming Ceremony: Naam Karan – Do you know what your name means, or how your parents chose it? Sikh names usually have special meanings, and they are chosen with the help of the Guru Granth Sahib – the Sikh holy book. Ajmeet goes to a gurdwara to find out exactly what happens at a Naam Karan – the Sikh naming ceremony.

TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:


Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teaching and practices - Sikhism- Sikh Birth and Naming Ceremonies. - This covers the meaning of a Sikh birth and naming ceremony

Area of Study 1 - Sikhism - Section 3: Living the Sikh Life - Birth and naming rituals and ceremonies: the celebration and significance of Naam Karan and Hukamnama; the significance of Amrit sanskar (the initiation ceremony) for Sikh families, including reference to the Rahit Maryada Chapters 11 and 13; divergent understandings of these ceremonies between khalsa and non-khalsa Sikhs; the significance of the names Singh and Kaur in the naming and Amrit ceremonies, and for Sikh identity today.

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2.1 Unit 1 PART A - Sikhism - Core beliefs, teachings and practices -Practices - Ceremonies  Naming a Sikh child – meaning and significance  The significance and use of the names Singh and Kaur  Sikh initiation ceremony (Amrit Sanskar) – importance and significance in a Sikh’s life and consideration given to the perspective of non-khalsa Sikhs  Meaning of the main features of the initiation ceremony 


Component 3 (Route A) - Option 5: Sikhism - Beliefs and teachings -Practices: The meaning and significance of birth and naming ceremonies ➢ The significance of Amrit Sanskar: (the initiation ceremony): Bhai Gurdas Var 3.11. The significance and use of the names Singh and Kaur

The Sikh Naming Ceremony: Naam Karan

Harinder   My name's Harinder. Har means God. I understand my name in full means he or she of all strengths.

Harchand My name is Harchand Singh Greval. Har is name of God, uh, Chand is a means moon and Singh is lion.

Harinder   This is my niece, Manpreet Kaur. Her name means the love of our hearts and minds.

Aman       My name is Aman Chopra and my name is meaning is, uh, you know the peace. It's a peaceful environment, we can say that.

Harinder   This is my daughter Pia Kaur, and her name means beloved.

Ravinder   My name is Ravinder. Ravinder, Rav means son. And inder means God, so it the son of God.

Ajmeet     My name is Ajmeet Singh. Ajmeet means today's friend and Singh means lion. It lets everyone know that I'm a Sikh. When I was just five days old, my parents brought me to the Gurdwara, the temple, and I was named in a special ceremony called Naam Karan, which means name making. Obviously I can't remember it, so I've come to the Gurudwara to find out exactly what happens.

Ajmeet     Babies are brought here because it's the centre of the Sikh community, and because this is where the Guru Granth Sahib, our holy book, is kept. It plays a very important part in the naming ceremony. My friend Harjinder Singh explains.

Harjinder  Whenever you enter the diwan hall, as we call it, or the prayer hall, if you want to say it in English, you always see a throne like contraption at the end of it. It is a throne, and on that throne sits the holy book. When it's not in use, when it's not being read, it is covered by by wonderful kapre, by wonderful cloth. We sit on the floor. The guru sits a bit higher.

Ajmeet     Can you tell me a bit about the history and the importance of Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

Harjinder  The Guru Granth is the most important item in Sikh teachings. The guru, the teacher, granth, book, is our Pope, our bishop, our, even our king. So whether you are dealing with a name giving ceremony, as we're discussing today, or it is about a death or a or a marriage or what have you, the central point in the ceremony is always going to be the guru grant. The granthee, the man who looks after the grant, the book. In other words, he puts the Guru Granth Sahib on its side and opens it at random, and then the hymn that you find on the top left hand side of the page is the hymn that leads that that ceremony or that day.

Ajmeet     This is Pritpal Singh, Gurmeet Kaur and their baby daughter Garnaev Kaur. Garnaev had her naam karan here just a few weeks ago. There is no set time for the naming ceremony to take place, but it usually happens as soon as possible after the birth. So what did you do on the day of your daughter's naming ceremony?

Pritpal      In a Sikh household, when a baby is born, when the both the mother and the child, they are healthy enough, they are good enough to go to the local gurdwara, we just go there and to have the naming ceremony done.

Ajmeet     The whole family went to the gurdwara to introduce the new baby to the community and to present her to the Guru Granth Sahib.

Ajmeet     We all bow to the book to show our respect, and it's never too early to learn.

Pritpal      We offered a Ramallah, a piece of cloth, to Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh holy scriptures.

Ajmeet     The family usually gives a gift. It might be food for everyone at the Gurudwara to share, or a donation of money. Pritpal's family gave a Ramallah that's a cloth which is used to wrap up the Guru Granth Sahib to protect it when it isn't being read. The Granthi opens the Guru Granth Sahib at random, and the first letter of the first word on the page will be the first letter of the baby's name.

Pritpal      We were blessed with at this time Gur poorai kirapaa dhhaaree, so the letter was G, at the end we decided Ganeev which means a priceless worth. The first letter is Ganeev and the full name is Geneev Kaur.

Ajmeet     Sikhs are also given the names Singh and Kaur.

Gurmeet  Sikhism believes in equality. Our 10th guru gave a boy's name Singh, which means lion and the girl's name Kaur, which means princess.

Pritpal      That'll be very important because then the people will not get discriminated because their background or their, uh, class status by the surname. At the end, uh, of the ceremony we had, we were blessed with the Karah Parshad, which is a holy, uh, food. Um, and, uh, it's like a small pudding, very sweet, but delicious.

Ajmeet     The sweet taste is a reminder of God's blessings. Everyone is given a piece of karah parshad from the same bowl to show that we are all equal and all part of the same community, which we call the Sangat. And that's the Naam karan. Sikh names are special because they're chosen with the help of the Guru Granth Sahib, and our names show that we are all part of the Sikh community, just like little Geneev Kaur.

The Sikh Naming Ceremony: Naam Karan

Video length - 06.32
Published date - Jan 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Choosing Your Faith: Ahmadi Islam – How did you choose your new faith? Jonathan became an Ahmadi Muslim in his twenties, having always been agnostic up to that point. He describes his conversion experience and the changes his new faith has brought into his life.

Courtesy of 4thought.tv

Choosing Your Faith: Ahmadi Islam

Video length - 01.58
Published date - Jan 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

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Courtesy of 4thought.tv

Choosing Your Faith: Hare Krishna

Video length - 01.53
Published date - Jan 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Choosing Your Faith: Buddhism – How did you choose your new faith? Catherine was brought up in the Church of England but chose to become a Buddhist in later life. Here she talks about what drew her to the faith and why she feels its teachings are important for the world.

Courtesy of 4thought.tv

Choosing Your Faith: Buddhism

Video length - 01.40
Published date - Jan 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

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Coutesy of 4thought.tv

Choosing Your Faith: Baha’i

Video length - 01.50
Published date - Jan 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Choosing Your Faith: The Quakers – How did you choose your new faith? Marigold describes how she came to join the Quakers while working among people of many religions on the West Bank.

Courtesy of 4thought.tv

Choosing Your Faith: The Quakers

Video length - 01.51
Published date - Jan 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

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Courtesy of 4thought.tv

Choosing Your Faith: Jedi

Video length - 01.47
Published date - Jan 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

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Courtesy of 4thought.tv

Choosing Your Faith: Scientology

Video length - 01.56
Published date - Jan 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Christian Marriage – Emily’s mum recently got married, and it got her thinking: what does marriage mean for Christians? So with the help of her mum, her new step dad and the vicar who performed the ceremony, Emily talks us through the wedding video.

TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:



Component 2: Thematic studies -Theme A - Relationships and families - The nature and purpose of marriage.



Area of Study 3 – Section 2 - Living the Catholic life - Christianity - The importance and purpose of marriage for Catholics: the significance of marriage in Catholic life; Catholic teachings about marriage, including Not Just Good, But Beautiful by Pope Francis; divergent Christian, non-religious (including atheist and Humanist) attitudes to the importance of marriage in society, including the sanctity of marriage, a lack of importance, cohabitation and the Catholic responses to these attitudes.

Area of Study 1 – Section 2 - Family life - Christianity - The importance and purpose of marriage for Christians: Christian teachings about the significance of marriage in Christian life; the purpose of marriage for Christians including Mark 10:6–9; divergent Christian and non-religious (including atheist and Humanist) attitudes to the importance of marriage in society; including the sanctity of marriage, a lack of importance, cohabitation and Christian responses to these attitudes.



Component Group 2–Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a religious perspective - relationships and families - religious teachings about the nature and purpose of families in the 21st century, sex, marriage, cohabitation and divorce. Issues related to the nature and purpose of families; roles of men and women; equality; gender prejudice and discrimination.



PART B- Theme 1: Issues of Relationships - Relationships



Component 1 (Route A) Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World - Christianity - Theme 1: Issues of Relationships - Relationships -The nature and purpose of marriage as expressed through Christian marriage ceremonies in Britain and teachings: Mark 10:6-8 and the Church of England Synod

Christian Marriage

Emily         Hi. I'm Emily. Last week my mum got married at our local church. It was a great day. I was a bridesmaid and got to wear an amazing long, like, dress. But I want to find out what the ceremony really meant and why marriage is important for Christians like my mum.

Emily         I've come to speak to my mom and stepdad to ask them questions about why it was important for Christians to get married.

Katrina      We wanted to show our commitment in front of God, our friends and family.

Emily         Were you nervous before the wedding?

David        I wasn't nervous. I wasn't nervous at all.

Katrina      He was nervous.

David        I was nervous. You keeping me waiting for 25 minutes, didn't make me nervous at all.

Emily         What was your favourite part about the wedding?

David        Walking down the aisle together.

Katrina      Yeah. Yeah, I think that-

David        On the way out

Katrina      I think that was nice actually, being because we were separate to begin with, and then we combined and walked down the aisle ourselves. So yeah, I quite enjoyed that.

Emily         This is the church where my mum got married. Traditionally, the bride walks up the aisle to meet the groom who is waiting with the vicar and the best man.

Penny Sawyer My name is Penny Sawyer. I am the vicar here at Saint Albans Church in Dagenham.

Emily         After the vicar welcomes everyone, we say a prayer and sing a hymn.

Penny Sawyer In the presence of God, father, Son and Holy Spirit, we have come together to witness the marriage of David and Katrina.

Emily         Why is it important for Christians to get married?

Penny Sawyer Christians look to the Bible as their, sort of, the text that teaches them how to do things, and if you remember right at the beginning of the Bible in the book of Genesis, God creates Adam, and Adam is very lonely, so God creates Eve to be a partner and and a helpmate and to go through life together. So, that's really the foundation of family life that a man and a woman come together and they live their lives faithfully together.

Emily         After the prayers, the vicar stands here and tells us a little bit about what marriage is.

Penny Sawyer It enriches society and strengthens community. No one should enter into it lightly or selfishly, but reverently and responsibly in the sight of Almighty God.

Emily         I know usually brides get married in white, but my mum got married in red. Does that matter?

Penny Sawyer That doesn't matter at all. The most important thing is that you have the man and the woman who wants to be married, and you have two witnesses. So actually all you need is five people minimum, but you had a big family wedding, didn't you? With lots and lots of people.

Emily         After that there is a Bible reading. My uncle read a passage which talks about how people should behave when they're in love, and how they should treat each other.

Emily's Uncle  Wives, understand and support your husbands by submitting to them in ways that honour the master. Husbands, go all out in love for your wives. Don't take advantage of them.

Emily         Then the vicar gives a sermon. Penny talked about love and marriage.

Penny Sawyer Marriage is a gift from God to all of us. Couples are intended to find delight in each other.

Emily         Now we move on to the really exciting bit. The vicar turns to the couple and asks them to hold hands and vow that they love each other and will look after each other.

David        I, David Vincent Humber.

Penny Sawyer Take you, Katrina Anne Emerson.

David        Take you, Katrina Anne Emerson.

Penny Sawyer To be my wife.

David        To be my wife.

Katrina      I Katrina Anne Emerson.

S4              Take you, David. Vincent. Tumba. Thank you. David. Vincent. Thank you. To be my husband.

Penny Sawyer Take you, David Vincent Tumba.

Katrina      Take you David Vincent Tumba.

Penny Sawyer To be my husband.

Katrina      To be my husband.

Emily         Why do Christians use wedding rings?

Penny Sawyer Just because it's traditional. You don't have to have wedding rings, and sometimes just the bride will have a ring, not the groom. Um, it's quite symbolic because it goes round and round and round forever, so it's a sign of everlasting love. Heavenly father, by your blessings. Let these rings be to David and Katrina, a symbol of unending love and faithfulness.

Penny Sawyer Katrina. I give you this ring.

David        Katrina. I give you this ring.

Penny Sawyer As a sign of our marriage.

David        As a sign of our marriage.

Emily         They are pronounced husband and wife, and they normally kiss.

Penny Sawyer In the presence of God, and before this congregation. David and Katrina have given their consent and made their marriage vows to each other. They have declared their marriage by the joining of hands and by the giving and receiving of rings.

Emily         When the ceremony is over, family and friends got together to have a party. Often speeches are made and there was a wedding cake, but today I've learned that the most important thing is that God is there to blessing the couple and their love for each other. For me, it's great because I have an even bigger family.

Christian Marriage

Video length - 6.23
Published date - Dec 2013
Keystage(s) - 2 and 3

I Wish I Went to Ecuador – Pupils at Bricknell Primary School collaborated with animator David Bunting and local campaigning organisation, One Hull Of A Rainforest, to create this beautiful animated campaign film about a teacher’s life-changing expedition into the heart of the Ecuadorian rainforest on a joint mission to preserve these vital resources.

I Wish I Went to Ecuador

Video length - 06.15
Published date - Dec 2013
Keystage(s) - 2 and 3
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