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The Only Way is Keeping Up With Esther – The story of Esther and Mordecai is retold – in the style of an OTT reality TV show.

King Ahasuerus has grown tired of Queen Vashti and has her thrown out of the palace. He gives the courtier Haman responsibility for finding him a new wife and Haman quickly identifies Esther as perfect. Esther’s guardian is her cousin, Mordecai, who insists on going to the palace with Esther, while warning her not to reveal their Jewish faith. When Haman discovers their identity he convinces the King to have all Jews in the land killed – and Esther must find a way to save her people.

Suitable for teaching KS1 / KS2.

For teachers’ notes and more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/assemblies-ks1-ks2-esther-mordecai-haman-purim/zsfq8hv

This film is from the the assemblies collection on BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/primary-school-assemblies-collective-worship-ks1-ks2/zmsnm39

As this film is embedded you will not be able to download it.

The TrueTube and CTVC team made this film for BBC Teach, so for more resources go to BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach

The Bible Stories series was commissioned by BBC Teach and produced by CTVC/TrueTube.

Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teaching and practices - Christianity - Jesus Christ and salvation Beliefs and teachings about:
• sin, including original sin
• the means of salvation, including law, grace and Spirit
• the role of Christ in salvation including the idea of atonement.
St Mark’s Gospel: as a source of religious, moral and spiritual truths Parables of the kingdom. - Jesus’ use of parables.
Component 1 - The study of religions: beliefs, teaching and practices - Judaism - Key beliefs: The nature of God. God as Creator God as Law-Giver and Judge, loving and merciful.
Area of Study 3 – Christianity - Section 1: Christian Beliefs - The nature and significance of salvation and the role of Christ within salvation: law, sin, grace and Spirit, the role of Christ in salvation, including John 3:10–21 and Acts 4:8–12; the nature and significance of atonement within Christianity and its link to salvation. Section 1: Jewish Beliefs - The nature of the Almighty: how the characteristics of the Almighty are shown in the Torah, and why they are important in Jewish life today, including One, Creator, Law-Giver and Judge, including reference to Genesis 2.
Component Group 1 - Judaism - Beliefs and Teachings - Nature of G-d• The meaning of the terms G-d as One, Creator, Law-Giver, Judge and Eternal •The signifa nce of the following characteristics for Jews: •• All-powerful •• All-good •• All-knowing •• Everywhere •• Beyond time and space •• Concerned with humanity •• Intervening in the world •• Transcendent and immanent • Issues related to the nature of G-d, including the problem of evil and suffering • Common and divergent emphases placed on these characteristics by different Jewish groups, including beliefs about the Last Day of the world as Judgement day and the judgements made by G-d on Rosh Hashannah
2.1 Unit 1 PART A - Christianity - Core beliefs, teachings and practices - Jesus as God Incarnate - His birth, crucifixion, resurrection (key elements of the accounts of Jesus' birth, (Matthew 1:18- 2:12 and Luke 1:26-35 and 2:1-21), death (Mark 15:139), resurrection (John 20:1-21) and ascension (Acts 1:9-11)
2.2 Component 2 (Route A) Study of Christianity - Jesus Christ ➢ Beliefs and teachings about Jesus’ incarnation: John 1:14, Luke1:28-33

The Only Way is Keeping Up With Esther

Video length - 05.41
Published date - Oct 2021
Keystage(s) - 1 and 2
Downloadable resources

Samson – The Judge – The story of ‘Samson and Delilah’ is re-imagined as a blockbuster superhero movie. Samson’s great strength is a gift from God, but Samson has been ignoring his gift. Then, when his wife is killed by the Philistine oppressors, Samson assumes his alter-ego – The Judge – and goes in search of revenge.

The Philistines send Delilah – their top agent – to trap Samson and are able to capture him after Delilah has learnt that Samson’s hair is the secret of his strength. But Samson has one final judgement to make.

Suitable for teaching KS1 / KS2.

For teachers’ notes and more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/assemblies-ks1-ks2-samson-and-delilah-the-judge/z7dstrd

This film is from the the assemblies collection on BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/primary-school-assemblies-collective-worship-ks1-ks2/zmsnm39

As this film is embedded you will not be able to download it.

The TrueTube and CTVC team made this film for BBC Teach, so for more resources go to BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach

The Bible Stories series was commissioned by BBC Teach and produced by CTVC/TrueTube.

Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teaching and practices - Christianity - Jesus Christ and salvation Beliefs and teachings about:
• sin, including original sin
• the means of salvation, including law, grace and Spirit
• the role of Christ in salvation including the idea of atonement.
Component 2 - Theme H - St Mark’s Gospel: as a source of religious, moral and spiritual truths Parables of the kingdom. - Jesus’ use of parables.
Area of Study 3 – Christianity - Section 1: Christian Beliefs - The nature and significance of salvation and the role of Christ within salvation: law, sin, grace and Spirit, the role of Christ in salvation, including John 3:10–21 and Acts 4:8–12; the nature and significance of atonement within Christianity and its link to salvation.
Component Group 1 - Christianity Beliefs and teachings & Practices- Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension •The meaning of the terms: the incarnation, the crucifixion, the resurrection and the ascension • Beliefs and teachings about Jesus arising from the incarnation,the crucifixion ,the resurrection and the ascension •The importance to Christians of the incarnation, the crucifixion,the resurrection and the ascension for their life and worship • The common and divergent emphases placed on the significance of the incarnation, the crucifixion,theresurrectionandtheasension for the beliefs of different Christian denominations •Different interpretations and emphases given to sources of wisdom and authority by different Christian denominations
2.1 Unit 1 PART A - Christianity - Core beliefs, teachings and practices - Jesus as God Incarnate - His birth, crucifixion, resurrection (key elements of the accounts of Jesus' birth, (Matthew 1:18- 2:12 and Luke 1:26-35 and 2:1-21), death (Mark 15:139), resurrection (John 20:1-21) and ascension (Acts 1:9-11)
2.2 Component 2 (Route A) Study of Christianity - Jesus Christ ➢ Beliefs and teachings about Jesus’ incarnation: John 1:14, Luke1:28-33

Samson – The Judge

Video length - 06.12
Published date - Oct 2021
Keystage(s) - 1 and 2
Downloadable resources

The Kitchen Miracle-Maker (Jesus Feeds the 5000) – The story of ‘Jesus Feeds the 5000’ is retold – with a twist. Mary and Mark are hosts of something reminiscent of a modern-day cookery programme. Jesus and his disciples take on the challenge to provide food for the 5000 people assembled, but with only two small fish and five loaves available it’s clear that another miracle is called for.

Various attempts are made to create delicious dishes – delicate bite-sized sandwiches, Mediterranean grilled-fish salad, golden fishcakes – but when the time is up the results are far from miraculous. Then Jesus blesses the food and shares it among the crowd. There’s plenty for everyone – and there’s even some left over. It’s a miracle!

Suitable for teaching KS1 / KS2.

For teachers’ notes and more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/assemblies-ks1-ks2-jesus-feeds-the-5000-loaves-fishes/zrdstrd

This film is from the the assemblies collection on BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/primary-school-assemblies-collective-worship-ks1-ks2/zmsnm39

As this film is embedded you will not be able to download it.

The TrueTube and CTVC team made this film for BBC Teach, so for more resources go to BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach

The Bible Stories series was commissioned by BBC Teach and produced by CTVC/TrueTube.

Component 2- Religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world: Theme C - The existence of God and Revelation - The Argument From Miracles - The Argument from Miracles, including two examples of miracles. The Argument from Miracles, including its strengths and weaknesses. Component 2 - Theme H - St Mark’s Gospel: as a source of religious, moral and spiritual truths Parables of the kingdom. - Jesus’ use of parables.

Area of Study 3 – Catholic Christianity - Section 2: Philosophy of Religion - Miracles as proof of the existence of God: the nature and importance of miracles for Catholics; biblical and non-biblical examples of miracles including those at Lourdes and John 4:43–54; reasons why they might lead to belief in God and Catholic responses to non-religious arguments (including atheist and Humanist), which maintain that miracles can be scientifically explained and provide no proof that God exists; divergent understandings of what miracles show about the nature of God for Catholics. Area of Study 3 – Christianity - Section 2: Philosophy of Religion - Miracles as proof of the existence of God: the nature and importance of miracles for Christians; biblical examples of miracles including John 4:43–54; reasons why they might lead to belief in the existence of God and Christian responses to non-religious arguments (including atheist and Humanist) which maintain that miracles can be scientifically explained and provide no proof that God exists; divergent understandings of what miracles show about the nature of God for Christians.

Component Group 2–Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a religious perspective - the existence of God, gods and ultimate reality, and ways in which God, gods or ultimate reality might be understood; through revelation, visions, miracles or enlightenment


The Kitchen Miracle-Maker (Jesus Feeds the 5000)

Video length - 04.41
Published date - Oct 2021
Keystage(s) - 1 and 2
Downloadable resources

Living Your Best Life (Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy) – The story of ‘Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy’ is retold – with a twist.

Benjamin lives in the Galilean village of Capernaum and has leprosy. He is also appearing on the reality TV make-over show called ‘Living Your Best Life’. Benjamin learns from the presenter – Joanna, the Make-Over Queen – that Jesus is due to visit Capernaum the following day. Benjamin duly kneels before Jesus asking to be cured. Later, joined by Joanna once more, Benjamin describes how his life has changed. But what has made the greatest impression on him is the compassion and acceptance of Jesus.

Suitable for teaching KS1 / KS2.

For teachers’ notes, assembly framework and more:https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/assemblies-ks1-ks2-jesus-heals-a-man-with-leprosy-living-your-best-life/zgh9g7h

This film is from the the assemblies collection on BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/primary-school-assemblies-collective-worship-ks1-ks2/zmsnm39

As this film is embedded you will not be able to download it.

The TrueTube and CTVC team made this film for BBC Teach, so for more resources go to BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach

The Bible Stories series was commissioned by BBC Teach and produced by CTVC/TrueTube.

Component 2- Religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world: Theme C - The existence of God and Revelation - The Argument From Miracles - The Argument from Miracles, including two examples of miracles. The Argument from Miracles, including its strengths and weaknesses. Component 2 - Theme H - St Mark’s Gospel: as a source of religious, moral and spiritual truths Parables of the kingdom. - Jesus’ use of parables.

Area of Study 3 – Catholic Christianity - Section 2: Philosophy of Religion - Miracles as proof of the existence of God: the nature and importance of miracles for Catholics; biblical and non-biblical examples of miracles including those at Lourdes and John 4:43–54; reasons why they might lead to belief in God and Catholic responses to non-religious arguments (including atheist and Humanist), which maintain that miracles can be scientifically explained and provide no proof that God exists; divergent understandings of what miracles show about the nature of God for Catholics. Area of Study 3 – Christianity - Section 2: Philosophy of Religion - Miracles as proof of the existence of God: the nature and importance of miracles for Christians; biblical examples of miracles including John 4:43–54; reasons why they might lead to belief in the existence of God and Christian responses to non-religious arguments (including atheist and Humanist) which maintain that miracles can be scientifically explained and provide no proof that God exists; divergent understandings of what miracles show about the nature of God for Christians.

Component Group 2–Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a religious perspective - the existence of God, gods and ultimate reality, and ways in which God, gods or ultimate reality might be understood; through revelation, visions, miracles or enlightenment


Living Your Best Life (Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy)

Video length - 5.04
Published date - Oct 2021
Keystage(s) - 1 and 2
Downloadable resources

Centre Stage: Racism in the U.K. – This film discusses the existence of racism in the U.K. and demonstrates healthy conversation and good communication skills when discussing challenging topics.

Centre Stage: Racism in the U.K.

Video length - 03.46
Published date - Oct 2021
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5
Downloadable resources

Understanding Addiction: The Law – Presented by Mental Health Nurse Emma, who details how UK law currently stands regarding the possession, distribution and manufacture of illegal drugs. She explains the reasons behind the UK’s three drug classifications, based on the risk levels associated with individual substances.

There are three fact sheets and three lesson plans that you can use alongside the nine addiction films, which includes the introduction film, seven interviews (each focused on a different type of addiction) and a law film. Please also read the attached guidance and teacher notes that offer support and resources for young people who may already be experiencing addiction in their lives or homes.



Understanding Addiction: The Law

Video length - 04.07
Published date - Sep 2021
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5

Understanding Addiction: Dad Dependent On Alcohol – Jo is now in her 40s but spent her childhood being frightened of her father, who became addicted to alcohol and made life difficult for Jo and her whole family. While it’s important to listen to and help those who become personally dependent on a substance, the loved ones of people with dependency issues sometimes get forgotten, and they also need guidance through their trauma. Jo is now in the best place she’s ever been in her life thanks to charities such as Adfam, who focus on the families of those with substance misuse or dependency issues.

There are three fact sheets and three lesson plans that you can use alongside the nine addiction films, which includes the introduction film, seven interviews (each focused on a different type of addiction) and a law film. Please also read the attached guidance and teacher notes that offer support and resources for young people who may already be experiencing addiction in their lives or homes.

If you are affected by any of the content on screen or would like to know more, please visit the website of Adfam, who are based across the UK, or you can reach out to Jo personally who operates her own service for people going through, or who have gone through, a similar experience to her.




Jo Huey is a speaker, trainer and adult child of an alcoholic based in Bournemouth. She educates professionals about living in a home of alcohol misuse and how best to help families. She has also written two children’s books. Check out her podcast on alcohol misuse, the impact on the drinker, family and society as a whole – just search for “Two Roads Travelled” on most podcast platforms. She created the accompanying document that helps identify and assist young people who possibly have a parent with substance dependency.

To contact Jo email her at:

[email protected]

Understanding Addiction: Dad Dependent On Alcohol

Video length - 06.26
Published date - Sep 2021
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5

Understanding Addiction: Heroin – Heroin, and opioids in general, are considered by many to be the most dangerous illegal drugs, and yearly statistics reflect this view. It is also one of the most addictive and difficult drugs to stop using. Simon had a difficult childhood and used heroin to escape from his emotional trauma, but as his tolerance increased so did his dependency and his willingness to break the law in order to get more of the drug. It led to homelessness and a near death experience. But with the right help, he turned his life around. Watch him share his story now.

There are three fact sheets and three lesson plans that you can use alongside the nine addiction films, which includes the introduction film, seven interviews (each focused on a different type of addiction) and a law film. Please also read the attached guidance and teacher notes that offer support and resources for young people who may already be experiencing addiction in their lives or homes.

If you are affected by any of the content on screen or would like to know more, please visit the website of St George’s Crypt who help hundreds of people like Simon all year round. They are based in Leeds. Other similar services can be found across the UK if you search online.




Understanding Addiction: Heroin

Video length - 05.11
Published date - Sep 2021
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5

Understanding Addiction: Gambling – Danny grew up with a positive culture of gambling, but a lot has changed since he was younger, and gambling can now be accessed far more easily – not just due to an increase in high-street bookmakers, but also because of the enormous surge in online options. What started as a bit of fun in his late teens spiralled into an addiction that put him in £50,000 of debt and led to suicidal thoughts. At the root of his dependency was the need to escape the trauma of losing his mum to cancer. Now he is debt-free thanks to the help of a community he fostered, an app that can block him making payments on gambling sites, and advice from charities. Watch him share his story now.

If you are affected by any of the content on screen or would like to know more, gambling addiction has been recognised since 2013 as an affliction equal to drug and alcohol dependency – there are a number of NHS linked clinics and UK wide charities that can help people struggling with it.






Understanding Addiction: Gambling

Video length - 05.36
Published date - Sep 2021
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5

Understanding Addiction: Alcohol – Sarah (not her real name) had a positive upbringing with a close family unit, and she excelled at primary school. But when she started secondary school, she started getting bullied and decided to bully those people right back. It led her down a dark path, mixing with the wrong crowds and letting her school work slide. Then she started drinking alcohol, and things got much, much worse. But with the right help, she turned her life around. Watch her share her story now. Her film is unique in the series: Sarah didn’t want to tell her story on camera, so her exact words are voiced by an actor and portrayed on screen via animation (by Anh Cao).

There are three fact sheets and three lesson plans that you can use alongside the nine addiction films, which includes the introduction film, seven interviews (each focused on a different type of addiction) and a law film. Please also read the attached guidance and teacher notes that offer support and resources for young people who may already be experiencing addiction in their lives or homes.

If you are affected by any of the content on screen or would like to know more, please visit the website of charity We Are With You, who are based across the UK.




Understanding Addiction: Alcohol

Video length - 07.44
Published date - Sep 2021
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5