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Stronger – Hannah was bullied so badly that eventually she had to change schools. Here she talks about her experiences, her thoughts on the bullies, and her recovery. And she has advice for anyone who has been bullied: “You’re not a victim, you’re a survivor”.


Video length - 3.42
Published date - Nov 2016
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

In Their Shoes: Lee and Lucy – Lee was killed in a car accident at the age of just 21. His parents agreed that all of his organs could be used for transplantation, apart from his heart; but they now wish they’d allowed Lee’s heart to help someone else as well.

In Their Shoes: Lee and Lucy

Video length - 03.51
Published date - Feb 2016
Keystage(s) - 4
Downloadable resources

In Their Shoes: James – James was born without fully-formed kidneys and eventually received a transplant. He and his parents talk about the difference it made to his life – eventually enabling him to compete in the British Transplant Games.

In Their Shoes: James

Video length - 03.12
Published date - Feb 2016
Keystage(s) - 4
Downloadable resources

In Their Shoes: Diane and Tuhin – Diane’s daughter died at the age of just 18, but out of that tragedy, two children received donated corneas and were able to see again. The donated organs and other body parts of just one person can potentially save the lives of 5 to 7 people.

In Their Shoes: Diane and Tuhin

Video length - 3.58
Published date - Feb 2016
Keystage(s) - 4
Downloadable resources

Getting the Band Back Together – When a band splits up, it’s often up to the manager to get the members back together; but when a family falls out, what they often need is a Family Therapy session to help them listen to each other. This animation was made by a group of young people who have all benefitted from family therapy.

Courtesy of Biomation.

Getting the Band Back Together

Video length - 03.40
Published date - Jun 2015
Keystage(s) - 2 and 3
Downloadable resources

Self Harm Stories – An animation made by a group of young people, each with a story of self harm. With honesty and humour they share some advice and comfort to self harmers and their families.

Courtesy of Biomation.

Self Harm Stories

Video length - 05.01
Published date - Mar 2015
Keystage(s) - 3

Psychosis – “I’ve stopped seeing friends, I can’t trust people, I don’t know what’s real…” How does psychosis make you feel? This animation helps you to recognise the signs so you can get the help you need.

Courtesy of Biomation.


Video length - 01.35
Published date - Feb 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Look What I Can Do – Don’t let being deaf stop you! This animation, made by young hearing-impaired people, shows the wide variety of jobs and experiences that are open to deaf people.

Courtesy of Biomation.

Look What I Can Do

Video length - 05.27
Published date - Feb 2014
Keystage(s) - 2 and 3
Downloadable resources

Asperger’s Brain – What do you know about Asperger Syndrome? This animation, made by young people with Asperger’s, explains what it is and how it affects a person’s life.

Courtesy of Biomation.

Asperger’s Brain

Video length - 08.40
Published date - Feb 2014
Keystage(s) - 3
Downloadable resources

Gains and Losses – What does it feel like to suffer from anorexia? Written and narrated by young people who have suffered with the eating disorder, this animation describes how it takes hold, how it feels, and how to fight back.

Courtesy of Biomation.

Gains and Losses

Video length - 06.57
Published date - Feb 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources