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The Stress Bag – Stressed out? Everyone gets stressed, but some people cope with it better than others – it’s like having a bag of stress which can only take so much, and we all have different sized bags. This film helps you to recognise the signs of stress and what to do about it.

Courtesy of Biomation.

The Stress Bag

Video length - 02.57
Published date - Feb 2014
Keystage(s) - 3

Alcohol and Cigarettes: Dance Off – Drinking alcohol can make you think you’re a great dancer – but great dancers know that alcohol makes them anything but. Here are the facts about the effects that alcohol and smoking can have on your health.

Alcohol and Cigarettes: Dance Off

Video length - 03.08
Published date - Feb 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Story of a Heart – Ever had an annoying friend who just won’t leave you alone? Well in Leon’s case it’s his own heart who is always following him around and nagging him to clean up his lifestyle: “Look Leon, whatever you do to yourself, you do to me…”

Story of a Heart

Video length - 06.46
Published date - Jan 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Feeling Down? – It’s normal to feel down sometimes, but if it goes on for a long time it could be depression or “low mood”. One in eight teenagers suffer from depression, so there’s no need to feel alone. Here are some pointers to help you recognise the signs and some advice on how to get better.

Courtesy of Biomation

Feeling Down?

Video length - 04.44
Published date - Jan 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

The Modern Addiction

What are the signs of “porn addiction”? How does the internet impact this modern addiction? Sex addiction therapist, Paula Hall, discusses the causes of porn addiction and ways to tackle it.

The Modern Addiction

Video length - 05.43
Published date - May 2012
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5

Coping With The World Of Words

Dyslexia can affect anyone, no matter how intelligent a person is… but how does dyslexia affect different people? Michelle shares her experiences with having dyslexia and interviews some experts.

Coping With The World Of Words

Video length - 04.45
Published date - May 2011
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Vinnie and Doyle are both moping about their relationship failures but with a gig that night Eva is too busy to indulge them.

Being Victor Ep20

Video length - 10.57
Published date - Sep 2010
Keystage(s) - 4

Doyle is jealous over Geoff and Lesley’s relationship and takes his frustration out against Marvin. Vinnie goes to extreme measures to win Rachel back.

Being Victor Ep19

Video length - 07.06
Published date - Sep 2010
Keystage(s) - 4

Vinnie tells Eva about the breakup and they share a kiss. Lesley convinces Geoff that a social worker would be able to help.

Being Victor Ep18

Video length - 09.55
Published date - Sep 2010
Keystage(s) - 4

Danny apologises to Lesley for the role he played in events leading to her suicide attempt. Lesley decides to start afresh and finds an unlikely friend in Geoff.

Being Victor Ep17

Video length - 11.04
Published date - Sep 2010
Keystage(s) - 4