Interview with former Iraq hostage Norman Kember who tells us his faith gave him the strength to put his beliefs on the line, thus risking death for what he believes in.
How does modern warfare differ from that of the First World War? This film examines how we view the armed forces and asks: has society lost respect for the men and women fighting for our country?
A representative of “Friends of the Earth” shares details about the damage that war causes to the environment. Weapons and chemicals used in warfare destroy wildlife and habitats, and could end up affecting the environment’s longterm recovery.
TrueTube takes to the streets and challenges the public: what would you fight for? How far would you go to achieve peace? Can war ever be justified? Would you break the law for something you believe in?
TrueTube asks the public what they think of Holocaust Memorial Day. Different opinions are shared on the Jewish Holocaust but comments are also made about other holocausts which have happened, and are still happening.