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Belong – Many children and young people have to move to a new school, a new city, or a new country. In this film, young people describe how it feels to start a new life and find a new home.

Courtesy of Coram.

This film was co-produced by Coram Life Education and Coram Young Citizens, an ambassador programme for young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds. Free lesson and assembly plans exploring the theme of belonging can be found on their site here.


Video length - 04.58
Published date - Mar 2020
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

The View from the Classroom – Intermarriage – What is intermarriage, and what do you think about it? Students from Key Stages 4 and 5 in schools all around the country give us the view from the classroom.

TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:



Component 2: Thematic studies:Theme A: Relationships and families: Sex, marriage and divorce - The nature and purpose of marriage.



Area of Study 1 - Section 2 - Sex, marriage and divorce - the significance of marriage in religious life; religious teachings about marriage.


Component Group 2–Religion,philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a religious perspective - relationships and families - religious teachings about the nature and purpose of families in the 21st century, sex, marriage, cohabitation and divorce. Issues related to the nature and purpose of families; roles of men and women; equality; gender prejudice and discrimination.



PART B- Theme 1: Issues of Relationships



Component 1 (Route A):Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World : Theme 1: Issues of Relationships:Relationships

The View from the Classroom – Intermarriage

Intermarriage is when

two people of a different background, for example

different religions,



or nationalities come together and

marry each other.

I think intermarriage is a good thing. I mean, I'm technically from intermarriage, so my mom is from Zambia and then my dad was British English.

My dad is Welsh, and he was born in Swansea. And he- my mum is Brazilian.

My mom's African and my dad's from Kent.

I think it's a good thing for me that I have parents of different nationalities, because I feel like I have an open mind because of it. I like that because, you know, leaves stuff for possibility.

Oh, I 100% think it's really healthy for society to have all of these different religions and ethnicities and all, like, mingling together because it's, it's it makes it more lively.

In some sense, intermarriage would be confusing on children, because if you had a child and you had two religions in that family, you can't really mix them together, because that's obviously then against your religion in some sense.

It might be confusing for the children because the child may need to pick like what type of religion, what type of path to follow. If he wants to follow the father, if he wants to follow the mother.

Problems that intermarriage might cause for the kids, maybe, uh, they're stuck between two cultures. But it also can be good, because it might bring in more opinions about different cultures and help them improve as a person as well, because it might be different ideas they might take in from different religions and put them all together and make a good person.

Some people might be against, um, intermarriage because they feel like they racially won't be pure.

It could be family influences.

Because of religion and culture.

I think that some people may be against intermarriage as they believe that people should stay within what people like to call their own kind.

I think people are scared of the change. They don't want to have something different because it's not what they know.

If you were like, say, a strong Christian, it might be hard for you to accept the practice of, like, what a Muslim would do.

There will always be a problem when it comes to marriage, like, obviously when it comes to, like if she was a Muslim, she has to pray five times a day, she's not allowed to eat pork, she's not allowed to drink, like to smoke. If I'm choosing to marry the woman I love, I will have to believe what she believes in as well. And, like, not saying I will be a Muslim as well. I will still be Buddhist, however I will, I will understand why she does what she has to do.

In Islam, if you are going to marry someone from a different religion, then the child has to follow the man's religion.

I disagree with the fact that men are allowed to marry someone out of faith, and we're not. I think from back in the days it's all changed.

I don't think it matters if I married someone of a different religion, because if I love them, that's all that matters. I would want to have a Muslim wedding because it's my background and I love being a Muslim. I wouldn't mind also doing their way but incorporating it with mine.

I think intermarriage is neither good or bad. I think it's just two people marrying each other for love.

I feel like everyone should have the choice to like and get married to anyone they want. They shouldn't have to conform to 'Oh, you can only marry, you know, your own religion or your own race'. I feel like the world would be a very boring place if that were to happen.

I think intermarriage is happening much more these days, since it's much, it's much, like, widely accepted in today's society. I think it's a sign of healthy society.

I think intermarriage is a good thing because it brings communities together. It brings everyone together. Um, and it lets, it lets us learn the differences between everyone else. And it, it could end racism.

I think it's a sign of a healthy society if we have intermarriage, because it's showing that we have diversity and that we accept everyone for who they are, and we don't think of someone as Muslim or Christian. We think of them as a human and that person's personality.

The View from the Classroom – Intermarriage

Video length - 04.25
Published date - Sep 2019
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Me, Myselfie and I – John is falling behind at school, ignoring his mates and neglecting his girlfriend – all because he’s become obsessed with maintaining his online persona. He spends so much time on his phone, he eventually becomes trapped inside it. Literally.

A re-telling of the Greek myth of Narcissus for the social media age.

A film by Alastair Collinson.

Alastair was invited on to The Victoria Derbyshire Show to be part of a panel discussing social media’s impact on young people as a result of the film. Clips were featured on the show and on BBC World News.

Me, Myselfie and I

Video length - 11.59
Published date - Jan 2019
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

An Untold Story – Robyn is a young filmmaker from a small town in Scotland. She is used to telling other people’s stories, but has never put her own on camera. So in this film, she describes how she came to realise that she was gay, the initial shame she felt (and was made to feel) before proudly accepting herself for who she is.

An Untold Story

Video length - 08.50
Published date - Jan 2019
Keystage(s) - 4

Fine – Joe returns to school after his mother’s funeral, and has to cope with his bereavement surrounded by friends who don’t understand what he’s going through, and teachers who are unsure how to help him.

A film by Emily May Smith.

With thanks to Portsmouth Grammar School.

If someone close to you has died, or if a friend is trying to cope with the death of someone they knew, you can find support and guidance at Child Bereavement UK.


Video length - 10.31
Published date - Sep 2018
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Living With ADHD – Matteo has ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – which means that he’s very active and very excitable (which can be good), but it also means that he finds it hard to concentrate, forgets things easily and has little sense of danger (which can be bad). Matteo’s Mum wants him to take medication which will help him at school, but his Dad is worried that it will affect his chances of becoming a professional rugby player.

Directed by Lucia Clements and made during the BFI Film Academy’s documentary filmmaking residential course run by our friends at VividEcho.

Living With ADHD

Video length - 06.42
Published date - Jun 2018
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Reply With A Full Stop If You Get This – Emily is a poet and a teacher, and has bipolar disorder. It’s a mental health illness that means she can feel very down or very up for no reason whatsoever. With eloquence and humour she describes how it feels, how she manages it, and how she’d like society to be more understanding and accepting of mental health disorders.

A film by Adam Tyler.

Winner of the Educational Film Award (from other organisation or individual) at the Learning On Screen Awards 2019.

Nominated in the Content for Change category at the BAFTA Children’s Awards 2018.

Advice for young people about mental health can be found at the following sites:

Young Minds




Reply With A Full Stop If You Get This

Video length - 10.32
Published date - May 2018
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5
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The Ups of Down’s – Oliver Hellowell is a wildlife photographer with fans all over the world. He also has Down’s Syndrome which means he has an extra chromosome in each of his cells. Chromosomes carry instructions for the way babies develop and grow, and most people have 46 in each cell. People with Down’s Syndrome have 47 – an extra copy of chromosome 21 – which can cause learning disabilities. In this film, Oliver’s mother Wendy describes what it was like to have a child with Down’s Syndrome, and how Oliver – and his photographs – have changed her life for the better.

A film by Kim Roden.

The Ups of Down’s

Video length - 05.58
Published date - Mar 2018
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

To Life – Tanwen’s father Gareth died when she was 19 years old. He was suffering from Motor Neurone Disease which was gradually taking away his ability to move, to speak, to swallow. And yet he remained positive until the end, and sincerely wanted Tanwen to continue enjoying life to the full. Tanwen talks about how her father died and how she dealt – and still deals – with her grief. He died before his time, but Tanwen now feels that it was the best thing that could have happened – that he died while he still had his dignity.

A film by Adam Tyler.

Nominated in the Factual category of the BAFTA Children’s Awards 2017.

To Life

Video length - 08.38
Published date - Jun 2017
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5
Downloadable resources

The Five Pillars of Islam – It’s Ramadan, so Faysal and Jubayr are up at two in the morning to eat before the fast begins at sunrise. We follow the boys throughout their day as they explain the most important things they have to do as Muslims: The Five Pillars of Islam.

TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:



Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teachings and practices- Islam -Practices and Duties - Five Pillars of Sunni Islam and the Ten Obligatory Acts of Shi’a Islam. Salah and its significance: how and why Muslims pray including times, directions, ablution (wudu), movements (rak’ahs) and recitations; salah in the home and mosque and elsewhere. Sawm: the role and significance of fasting during the month of Ramadan including origins, duties, benefits of fasting.



Area of Study 3 - Section 3: Living the Muslim Life - Islam - Sawm as one of the Five Pillars: the nature, role, significance and purpose of fasting during Ramadan and Salah



Component Group 1–Practices - Islam - Public acts of worship - Salah as direct communication with Allah. The importance of practices - Islam as a way of life, lived in total submission to Allah • The importance of the Five Pillars of Islam to Sunni Muslims • The meaning of the Five Pillars: •• Shahadah: sincerely reciting the Muslim profession of faith •• Salat: performing ritual prayers in the proper way five times each day •• Zakat/Zakah: paying an alms (or charity) tax to benefit the poor and the needy •• Sawm: fasting during the month of Ramadan •• Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca • The analogy of the house and pillars



2.1 Unit 1 PART A - Part A Islam - Core beliefs, teachings and practices - Practices - The Five Pillars of Sunni Islam -Prayer/ Salat  Adhan call to prayer, praying at mosque and Friday Jummah prayer (Qur'an 15:9899, 29:45)  Praying at home, private prayer (Du'ah)  The preparations and intention for prayer: wudu and niyyah  The significance and symbolism of the different prayer positions that make a rakat (sequence of prayer) Obligatory Acts  Shahadah: the Muslim profession of faith in Allah and the prophet Muhammad; occasions when the Shahadah is recited, e.g. aqiqah ceremony, conversion to Islam  Zakat: paying an alms (or charity) tax to benefit others, what zakat tax may be used for, and additional charity (saddaqah)  Sawm: Fasting during the month of Ramadan. How and why Muslims fast during Ramadan and rules about halal and haram diet (Qur'an 2:183)



Component 3 (Route A): Study of a World Faith: Option 3: Islam:Practices: The Five Pillars of Sunni Islam: practices in Britain and elsewhere: Shahadah: the Muslim statement of faith: Qur'an 3:18 ➢ Zakah: How Sunni Muslims make payment of charity tax, alms and how zakat money may be spent ➢ Sawm: How Sunni Muslims fast during Ramadan: Qur'an 2:184. Issues relating to Muslims fasting in Britain ➢ Hajj: How Sunni Muslims undertake pilgrimage to the Ka'ba in Makkah; Qur'an 2:125. Issues relating to Muslims in Britain undertaking Hajj ➢ Salah: the practices of prayer in Islam in the mosque and at home, including Jummah prayer: Qur'an 15:98-99, Qur'an 29:45

The Five Pillars of Islam

My name is Faisal Bachani.

And my name is Jabarah Bachani.

We live in Beckenham. We're both 16 years old, and we're twins. Me, Jabarah, um, I'm older.

We live in Beckenham. We're both 16 years old,

and we're twins. Me, Jabarah, um, I'm older.

Well, Jabarah is older by one minute, but I'm still taller. We are both Muslims. My family is all Muslim.

We're quite religious. We practice a lot, especially my dad. At the moment we are in the sacred month of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic year. Sacred because Prophet Muhammad received the first word of the Qur'an, the sacred book for Muslims. During Ramadan, Muslims are meant to fast. We're not meant to eat or drink from when the sun comes up to when the sun comes down. The first meal of the day before sunrise is called sehri. The Muslim year is shorter than the western year, and this means that Ramadan becomes earlier by ten days each year. At this present time, Ramadan is in the summer. Um, the days are quite long.

The most important things as Muslims we have to do are called the five Pillars of Islam. A pillar is a column that basically holds up a building. They support the whole faith, so without them it wouldn't be Islam. So the first pillar of Islam is the Shahadah. We have to say the shahadah. (Says Shahadah in Arabic) There is only one God and the Prophet Muhammad is his messenger.

The second pillar of Islam is Salat, which is a prayer. Muslims are expected to pray five times a day. Wudu is a way to cleanse yourself before prayer. You have to wash your face, wash your hands, wash your arms, wash your legs. The call to prayer is done just at the beginning of Fajr, which is the first prayer of the day.

My father usually leads the prayer. My grandpa usually prays with us as well. My mom and my grandma usually pray with the group, but because the camera people were here today, they prayed in a separate room. Muslims pray in the direction of the Ka'bah, a big cube shaped building which is in Makkah, because Muslims believe that the Ka'bah is the house of God. During prayer, you have to recite passages of the Qur'an and then you have to prostrate to Allah. It's when you bow to God. It symbolises that he is the one Lord. He created all of us and he alone deserves praise and we are his servants.

It is quite hard to concentrate in lessons. When you're fasting, you feel the urge to eat, your tummy constantly hurts and your mouth is quite dry all the time. I think you're exaggerating a little bit. If it's on the first day, yeah, it's going to be hard, but the other days you get used to it. Sometimes it's bad, but like, it depends on the day, really.

In school at lunchtime, we pray the Zuhr, the second Zuhr. We usually pray in the chapel, sometimes with friends or sometimes alone.

The third pillar of Islam is called Zakat, and it is where Muslims give charity to the poor. Instead of using my lunch money for lunch for Ramadan, I would save the money for charity. When we start earning, we will give Zakat, which is a 40th of our money left over when we've paid for our homes and food. Sadaqah is voluntary act of giving to charity because we don't earn yet we give to Sadaqah. We regularly go to a charity shop on the high street. I do ironing, I iron some clothes, we label clothes, we help out the reception area. It's better to go out and help others rather than sitting at home.

The third prayer of the day is called Asr.

The fourth pillar of Islam is sawm, or fasting, on the holy month of Ramadan. Muslims are meant to feel what it's like to feel poor. It's meant to make us grateful for what we have rather than wanting more. It's also meant to cleanse us because it is a holy month.

My mom and my grandma usually don't wear a headscarf in the house, but Muslim women usually cover their hair in the presence of strangers. When the sun goes down, we are free to eat. Usually we first of all have a date and a glass of water and then we pray Maghrib Salat, which is the fourth salat. And then after that we have a big feast. We, um, have our favourite food. My mom cooks a lot of food. That meal is called iftar. It feels great. You know, it feels great to, um, to eat again, you know, you feel, you feel for those who don't have enough food for for a day or for a year.

The fifth pillar of Islam is Hajj. It's a sacred pilgrimage to Makkah. You have to do a lot of rituals, and you have to also visit a lot of places where the prophets visited. The most important part of the Hajj is visiting the Ka'bah, which is the house of God. The hajj happens in a specific month, Dhu al-Hijjah, we ourselves haven't actually been to Hajj, but we've been to a minor one called Umrah. We didn't do it in that specific month, but we saw the Ka'bah. It's a lot different from the pictures, you feel in awe of it. Our dad wants us to go on the Hajj in two years time. He wants us to become a bit more mature first, you know.

Usually we pray Isha, which is the fifth prayer in the day, at home with our family, but because it's Ramadan, we pray Isha at the mosque. You see a lot of your friends, a lot of your relatives, you know, it's very happy sight in the mosque. Your, your mind is focussed on praying so you feel closer to God. Ramadan is quite an important part of Islam. It's quite special to me because I do a lot of different stuff in Ramadan. It brings our family together. It makes us all kind of come together and eat together. I think it's special because in Ramadan I feel closer to God. The five pillars are special to me because they are the most important part of Islam, without which you can't really call yourself a Muslim.

The Five Pillars of Islam

Video length - 7.00
Published date - Oct 2015
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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