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Planet War

A representative of “Friends of the Earth” shares details about the damage that war causes to the environment. Weapons and chemicals used in warfare destroy wildlife and habitats, and could end up affecting the environment’s longterm recovery.

Planet War

Video length - 03.25
Published date - Feb 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Is Peace Possible?

People share their opinions on whether or not peace is possible in our current world and how we would go about achieving it.

Is Peace Possible?

Video length - 04.19
Published date - Feb 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

I’d Do It For Peace

TrueTube takes to the streets and challenges the public: what would you fight for? How far would you go to achieve peace? Can war ever be justified? Would you break the law for something you believe in?

I’d Do It For Peace

Video length - 02.21
Published date - Feb 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Fox Hunting

Chloe Finch from the Countryside Alliance and Christina Bengstall from League Against Cruel Sports argue their opposing points of view on the issue of hunting foxes with dogs and horses.

Fox Hunting

Video length - 6.39
Published date - Feb 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Tiger Fur and Rhino Horn

Illegal trade in animals. Why does it happen? Does it matter? Jessie Coote from Operation Charm explains why consumers should always question what they buy.

Tiger Fur and Rhino Horn

Video length - 3.51
Published date - Feb 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Pets Before People

Do we love animals more than Humans? Odette Brice talks about her favourite pet Bobby and whether we get carried away with pets also with opinions from the streets.

Pets Before People

Video length - 3.15
Published date - Feb 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Holocaust Memorial Day

TrueTube asks the public what they think of Holocaust Memorial Day. Different opinions are shared on the Jewish Holocaust but comments are also made about other holocausts which have happened, and are still happening.

Holocaust Memorial Day

Video length - 01.43
Published date - Jan 2008
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Female Circumcision

A sequence from Channel 4 chat show ‘Shariah TV’ reveals varying opinions on whether female circumcision is Islamic and whether it should be practiced. There are theories as to why it was introduced in early Arab communities but has it now continued because of culture, or religion?

Female Circumcision

Video length - 03.21
Published date - Jan 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Crisis At Christmas – In this documentary we learn about a Christmas appeal run by the homelessness charity Crisis. The film features interviews with many people whose lives have been changed by the charity, with more information about their cause.

Crisis At Christmas

Video length - 03.41
Published date - Jan 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Christmas in a Gutter – TrueTube takes to the streets to ask if Christmas makes people think more about those who live in poverty. The general public answer questions concerning how guilty they feel around the seasonal celebrations for the homeless, those less fortunate and the poor.

Christmas in a Gutter

Video length - 01.58
Published date - Dec 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources