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Scully – My Future. My Career. My RE. Scully is a presenter and producer for a London radio station. His study of RE at school gave him vital lessons in understanding human differences and, most importantly, our similarities, and – he believes – makes him a better broadcaster.

Studying RE at GCSE and A Level provides you with important life skills, and offers opportunities in further education and a wide variety of careers. Watch the other MY FUTURE. MY CAREER. MY RE. films to hear more real stories about how Religious Studies benefits students and young professionals.

Scully – My Future. My Career. My RE.

Video length - 01.13
Published date - Oct 2018
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Shape the Future – What do you use every day that needs energy of some kind? It’s quite scary when you think about it. Have you ever thought about where that energy comes from? And how it is produced? And the effects those sources have on your future? It’s the responsibility of everyone to ask questions, to get the right information, and to encourage the government to make the right decisions that will shape the future.

Shape the Future

Video length - 02.51
Published date - Jan 2017
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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My Body, My Rules – Maria is a little girl who likes singing, dancing and playing outdoors. She is perfect the way she is, so please don’t harm her body. This short film describes what Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is, and why it is wrong.

My Body, My Rules

Video length - 02.20
Published date - Sep 2016
Keystage(s) - 2 and 3

Needlecraft – Maria is a little girl who likes singing, dancing and playing outdoors. She is perfect the way she is, so why cut her? This short film describes what Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is, and why it is wrong.


Video length - 02.48
Published date - Sep 2016
Keystage(s) - 4 and 5
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Refugee – If you were forced to leave your home and could only take one bag, what would you take? In this short drama, we meet a young girl and her family in an unknown land and discover how they came to be there, far away from home.

TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:


Component 2 - Religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world: Theme D - Religion, peace and conflict - Religious responses to victims of war: To look at a present day religious organisation that helps victims of war.


Area of Study 2: Religion, Peace and Conflict - Section 4: Peace and Conflict- Attitudes to issues surrounding conflict:


Componet Group 2–Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a religious perspective - religion, peace and conflict; violence, war, pacifism, terrorism, just war theory, holy war; the role of religion and belief in 21st centuryc onflict and peace making; the concepts of justice, forgiveness and reconciliation


PART B - Theme 2: Issues of Human Rights - Human Rights and Social Justice


Component 1 (Route A) Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World Theme 3 : Issues of Good and Evil


Dad         Jamie. Ash. Ash, Ash, what have you lost?

Mum       I don't know, Jamie. We've just got to keep going.

Mum       Oh my God.

Mum       Ash, careful.

Man        Pick a card. Any card. So what have you got? You know what it is, okay. You remember it. Put on the deck, please. Take a bit more than that. Shuffle that. Cover that, special kind of shuffle.

Man        At this point card could be anywhere. That's out, there. That's not your card. Okay, we can work with this. Think very hard about your card. I'm gonna read your mind. And I think your card is.

Man        You had it hidden all the time, didn't you? It's behind your ear.

Dad         Ashley. Come on.

Mum       Did you manage to get any sleep at all, darling?

Ashley     Yeah.

Mum       Good girl. I found us something to eat. Oh, I'm sorry, darling. That's all there is.

Ashley     Just eat round it.

Dad         Ashley. Come on.

Jamie       I'm tired. Can you carry me?

Ashley     I'm tired. You carry me.

Jamie       I need a wee

Dad         Don't use the water for that.

Mum       It needs to be clean. I'm in a minute, darling. Stay still. I think it's still in there.

Jamie       Mum!

Mum       Ash, can you take him?

Dad         Don't go far.

Jamie       I need to wee.

Mum       Quickly. Please, Mark. Come on, come on.

Dad         Grab your bag.

Mum       What?

Dad         Quickly!

Dad         Come on. Darling.

Mum       What are you doing?

Dad         We can't stay here. Ashley, no! This side. Come on. Come on. Come on. Ashley.

Dad         Got your bag, darling?

Ashley     Yeah.

Dad         Okay. Come on, let's go.

Ashley     Okay.

Dad         Well, things have changed. There isn't a choice.

Mum       This is their home.

Dad         They're stuck in the middle of a war zone. Do you really want to wait until one of the kids is killed?

Mum       We don't have anywhere to.

Dad         I'm going to to get Jamie. Ash.

Ashley     Yeah.

Dad         Come on. Okay. Be back in a minute.

Voice       Please. Come on.

Dad         Here we are.

Mum       Oh. Hi, darling.

Dad         Hey.

Mum       Good timing.

Ashley     Look what Grandpa lent me.

Mum       That was kind of him.

Ashley     Have you been taking photos on the way home from school?

Jamie       Grandpa!

Grandpa  What about-

Mum       Take one of dad, he loves having his photo taken. No!

Grandpa  Don't tell your mother. Our secret? Okay.

Grandpa  Oh, a spy

Ashley     Smile.

Grandpa  What should we say?

Jamie       Banana.

Grandpa  Bananas!


Video length - 11.58
Published date - Jun 2016
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5
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God is in the Boat – The island of Lesvos in Greece, 2016: refugees fleeing war and hardship are arriving in their thousands. In this film, we hear from some of the refugees, and from the volunteers who feel it is their humanitarian duty to help them.

God is in the Boat

Video length - 4.40
Published date - Apr 2016
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5
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Out of Love – In ‘Out of Love’ Kezi and Jess talk honestly about the struggles they faced coming to terms with being both Christian and gay, when it seems to them that the Church has blown the issue of sexuality out of all proportion.

Out of Love

Video length - 04.15
Published date - Jan 2016
Keystage(s) - 4

For the Sake of the Child – How would you feel if a visitor came into assembly and announced that children from your school have been chosen to start a new life abroad? Confused? Excited? Scared?

For the Sake of the Child

Video length - 8.04
Published date - Oct 2015
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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Extremists – A back street brawl between two young men with extreme and opposing views – men who would never take the time to talk, to listen, to understand each other. And yet… a conversation begins. This provocative film reveals some challenging truths about prejudice, extremism and radicalisation, and shows that the best way to understand these problems is to talk.

The attached lesson materials featuring this film have been awarded the PSHE Association‘s Quality Mark.


TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:

AQA                                                                                                                                                                                    Component 2 - Religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world Theme D - Religion, peace and conflict - Terrorism -Religious understanding of and attitudes to terrorism Component 2 - Religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world: Theme F – Religion, human rights and social justice - Human Rights - Issues of equality, freedom of religion and belief including freedom of religious expression.

Edexcel                                                                                                                                                                             Section 4: Peace and Conflict -Section 4: Peace and Conflict - Issues surrounding conflict:divergent Muslim teachings and responses to the nature of problems involved in conflict – violence, war, and terrorism; how Muslims have worked to overcome these issues, including Malik's Muwatta 21. 3. 10; non-religious (including atheist and Humanist) views towards the issues surrounding conflict and Muslim responses to them. Area of Study 3 – Islam - Section 4: Equality - Muslim teaching on human rights: Muslim teachings and responses to the nature and purpose of human rights; why Muslims might support human rights as important, including Surah 5: 8; divergent Muslim responses to the need for and application of individual human rights, including the support offered by situation ethics; the problems human rights might cause for Muslims; Muslim responses to non-religious (including atheist and Humanist) arguments about human rights. 

OCR                                                                                                                                                                 Religion,philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a religious perspective - Religion, peace and conflict -Violence and conflict- Key philosophical and ethical concepts: • Forms of violence • War •Justificationof violence • Just War theory - The relationship between religion,politics and terrorism in the 21st century •Different religious attitudes towards terrorism and the causes of terrorism.

WJEC                                                                                                                                                                                    PART B - Theme 2: Issues of Good and Evil - Forgiveness  Peace and conflict: Just War Theory/Lesser Jihad, Pacifism and Conscientious Objectors  Islamic teachings about forgiveness: Qur'an 64:14, 42:30  Examples of forgiveness arising from personal beliefs Good, Evil and Suffering  Philosophical perspectives on the origin of evil: The Devil tests humans: Qur'an 2:34, 155  The belief in pre-destination (al Qadr)

EDUQAS                                                                                                                                                                          Component 1 (Route A) Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World - Theme 4: Issues of Human Rights - Human Rights and Social Justice ➢ Islamic beliefs, teachings and attitudes toward the dignity of human life: Qur'an 5:32 ➢ Islamic practices to promote human rights including equality: ummah in action ➢ An example of conflict between personal conviction and the laws of a country ➢ Censorship, freedom of religious expression and religious extremism (including Islamphobia) Prejudice and discrimination ➢ Islamic beliefs, teachings and attitudes towards prejudice and discrimination: Qur'an 5:8, 49:13 ➢ Islamic beliefs, teachings and attitudes towards racial prejudice and discrimination, including the actions of the Christian/Muslim Forum 



Man 1      You bloody terrorist!

Man 2      What?

Man 1      You're a bloody terrorist.

Man 2      I'm not.

Man 1      What?

Man 2      I'm not a terrorist. I'm an extremist.

Man 1      Exactly.

Man 2      They're two different things.

Man 1      What?

Man 2      Terrorist and extremist. They don't mean the same thing.

Man 1      They do.

Man 2      They don't. Not all extremists are violent.

Man 1      Well, most of them are.

Man 2      Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Jesus.

Man 1      I was talking about Muslim extremists. You're all Islamists.

Man 2      Do you even know what an Islamist is?

Man 1      Yeah. All right. What's an Islamist?

Man 2      Someone who believes the world should be controlled by Islam. The government, law, society.

Man 1      Well, then.

Man 2      Do you know what Islam means?

Man 1      What, you mean-

Man 2      The word Islam.

Man 1      No.

Man 2      Submission or peace.

Man 1      Submission or peace?

Man 2      Yeah.

Man 1      How can it mean submission or peace?

Man 2      Because to me, submission is peace. I submit myself to the will of God and it brings me peace.

Man 1      But you want more?

Man 2      No, no, no, no, I want everyone in this country, everyone in this world, to submit themselves to the will of Allah Sharia Law.

Man 1      Exactly.

Man 2      Yeah, because then we'll all live in peace and harmony. That's what makes me an extremist. It doesn't mean I want to go around blowing people up. It just means I'm standing up for something. But you-

Man 1      Right, I'll stand up against people like you, trying to ruin this country.

Man 2      And how am I?

Man 1      We used to be the greatest country in the world until people like you started coming here.

Man 2      What do you mean? Brown people like me?

Man 1      Too right. You're all bloody the same, you want free schools and hospitals when you don't even belong here, you don't even try to fit in.

Man 2      And what gives you the right to decide who belongs?

Man 1      Because I was born here, British born and bred.

Man 2      I was born here too.

Man 1      Yes, but you're not English, though, are you? Where are your parents born?

Man 2      Pakistan.

Man 1      Exactly.

Man 2      But I was born here. You can't choose your parents and where you're born.

Man 1      All right, I'll give you that. But-

Man 2      Where was your parents born?

Man 1      Slough.

Man 2      What about your grandparents?

Man 1      England.

Man 2      Yeah, all of them? Do you know, as a white British man, you share a third of your DNA with the Germans? Nearly half with the French. So how does that make you feel? You racist.

Man 1      I'm not racist. I just hate Muslims. You just said it for yourself. You want to take over the bloody world. You're a bunch of medieval barbarians.

Man 2      Man, where'd you get this stuff?

Man 1      9/11, 7/7, ISIS, Al-Qaeda.

Man 2      Do you know, there's over 1.5 billion of us. We're not all the same. We're not all terrorists. We're not even all extremists. Most Muslims just want to live a quiet life.

Man 1      I've read about what you lot want.

Man 2      Where?

Man 1      Newspapers. What? It's the news. They have to check their facts.

Man 2      What you don't think they're going to choose to report some facts and not others?

Man 1      Yeah, they'll report the important ones.

Man 2      Newspapers want drama, blood, death, bad guy. They're never going to report 'Yesterday, millions of Muslims all over the world were living their lives in peace and harmony'. Real world Muslims aren't such a threat to you.

Man 1      Yeah, but you stand out like it's deliberate. I don't see why you can't just be like us.

Man 2      Because I'm a fundamentalist.

Man 2      That means I live my life strictly by the teaching of my religion, the Qur'an and the saying the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, peace be upon him.

Man 1      Why would you choose to live like that?

Man 2      I didn't choose, I was born a muslim.

Man 1      You can't be born a religion.

Man 2      Religion feels good. I look at myself in the mirror and I know who I am.

Man 1      Right. So you want to turn us all into Muslims because it makes you feel good?

Man 2      Yeah, okay, I do.

Man 1      Right, do you know how scary that is? You can't just come here and tell us to speak Arabic, cover up our women and chop off the hands of our criminals and not eat bacon. We're British. It's not the way we do things here. So of course we're going to fight back.

Man 2      So you're allowed to fight back, but we're not?

Man 1      What do you have to fight back against?

Man 2      It's not the British being attacked. I've been really attacked by soldiers, tanks, drones. My people are being oppressed. Of course I want to fight for them.

Man 1      But you said Islam means peace. Doesn't it say in your Qur'an that killing people is wrong?

Man 2      Except in a just cause, and this is a just cause. This is a just war. When America wants to wipe out the Muslim people.

Man 1      Where'd you get that from?

Man 2      What?

Man 1      America wants to wipe out Muslim people. Come on.

Man 2      The internet. What?

Man 1      There are 300 million people in America. They're not all the same either. Some of them are Muslims.

Man 2      Well, fine. But Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria, Guantanamo. Look, there's a war to be fought, man.

Man 1      But you're not a soldier.

Man 2      I could be.

Man 1      What, so you want to go die in a desert?

Man 2      Yeah, maybe I do.

Man 1      Why?

Man 2      Because, because I want to feel a part of it. Yeah, danger and glory and brotherhood. It's exciting, okay yeah. Is it, is it so bad? And I, and I hate this country. I mean, how would you feel if-

Man 1      What?

Man 2      If you, if you grew up learning alcohol is wrong? Homosexuality is wrong. Women showing their bodies is wrong. Sex before marriage is wrong. Think how I feel when I walk the streets and I see women in their tiny skirts, tight tops and the sex on TV and movies and music videos, adverts.

Man 1      Jealous.

Man 2      Angry and disgusted and frightened. And, yeah, jealous, because I can't help seeing this.

Man 1      If you don't like it, go back to Pakistan.

Man 2      How did you get like this?

Man 1      Like what?

Man 2      How did you get so radicalised?

Man 1      Hey, I'm not radicalised.

Man 2      Yes, you are.

Man 1      You're the one who's radicalised.

Man 2      Of course I am, because I'm angry. I want the world to be somewhere I can feel safe. I want someone to blame for the things that scare me, and yeah I've met people who felt the same way, and it was like waking up. They understood me and it felt good. And bit by bit we made each other angrier. So yeah, we radicalised ourselves because we wanted to outdo each other, and you're the same

Man 1      I'm bloody not.

Man 2      You're an extremist, you're a racist. How did you get to be like this?

Man 1      Because-

Man 2      Why do you hate me so much?

Man 1      Because the world's a mess. I mean we can't trust the media or the banks. And there weren't any jobs. Dad never had a job, so there wasn't anything for us to do except, you know, watch telly, go online and see these adverts which tell you life's about having money, cars, phones and watches, and we couldn't have any of that. So you look around for something else to make you feel like you're a part of something, a football team, a band, a gang. And then you get older and you still don't have the money or the job or the stuff you're supposed to have, so you start to feel like cut off. Like, you got no, no reason, no purpose, and you look around for for someone to blame, anyone. It could be bankers, immigrants, paedos, and then you hear about these Muslim terrorists waging a war against your way of life, but you don't know any terrorists, but you know, some Muslims and bam! You found a purpose, an enemy, and you do something about it because it gives you a reason to exist, and that's what we all need. We need to feel like we know who we are.

Man 2      No society is perfect in this life.

Man 1      So why don't you think for yourself then?

Man 2      Why don't you?

Man 1      I do.

Man 2      Do you?

Man 1      Well, do you?

Man 2      All right. Maybe I don't always think for myself.

Man 1      Well, maybe I don't either.

Man 2      I still believe Sharia law is the right way to live.

Man 1      I still think the British way of life is disappearing because of people like you.

Man 2      So, what do we do?

Man 1      Well, I guess we keep on talking.

Man 2      All right. I've got to go.

Man 1      Me, too.

Man 2      My daughter.

Man 1      Got a daughter?

Man 2      Yeah.

Man 1      How old?

Man 2      Three.

Man 1      Mines five. You getting the bus?

Man 2      Yeah. 58.

Man 1      That's mine too.

Man 2      Alright.


Video length - 09.03
Published date - Jul 2015
Keystage(s) - 4
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7/7 – On Thursday the 7th of July 2005, four bombs were detonated in central London – three on tube trains and one on a double-decker bus. 52 innocent people were killed and over 700 more were injured in the first ever suicide bombings in the UK. We speak to people whose lives were directly affected by the attacks and hear their testimonies, as well as perspectives from an Imam and an expert in the study of terrorism.



Video length - 10.27
Published date - Jun 2015
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
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