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Screwball! – A comedy drama for SRE (or RSE) lessons about Ryan and Natalie – two young people struggling through their first sexual encounter, and having to deal with each other’s expectations, a shiny trumpet and way too many cats. It’s ideal for opening up discussion about consent, peer pressure and the internet’s influence on relationships.

A film by Adam Tyler.


Adam Tyler (who wrote and directed the film) won the Writer category of the BAFTA Children’s Awards 2017.

Alhaji Fofana (Ryan) won the Performer category at the BAFTA Children’s Awards 2017

Savannah Baker (Natalie) was also nominated in the Performer category.

Winner of the Educational Film Award at the Learning on Screen Awards 2018

Winner of the Children’s Award at the Sandford St Martin Trust Awards 2018


Video length - 12.22
Published date - Jun 2017
Keystage(s) - 4 and 5
Downloadable resources

The Perfect Body – Sam’s life is turned upside down when he falls for the new girl at school. Convinced that she’ll never notice him unless he has the perfect body, he hires a personal trainer. A short comedy drama about love, muscles and a lot of eating.

The Perfect Body

Video length - 06.38
Published date - Apr 2017
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

#ShoutingBack – Laura Bates began the Everyday Sexism Project to highlight how often sexist behaviour and even sexual assaults go unchallenged and unreported. In this film women tell their distressing stories of everyday sexism, and invite us all to help make it stop by shouting back.


Video length - 04.15
Published date - Mar 2017
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Awkward… those moments when you don’t know what to do or what to say. The subjects we’re taught at school – like Maths and English – help us to deal with a lot of situations, but when it comes to sex and relationships, we’re often left without the answers.


Video length - 1.25
Published date - Sep 2016
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Gay Adoption Attitudes – Gay couples are legally allowed to adopt children in the UK, but it’s a still an issue that provokes strong views in some people… and here they are.

Gay Adoption Attitudes

Video length - 2.27
Published date - Feb 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Gay Marriage Matters – Should gay people have the right to get married? And what’s the point of marriage anyway? Here’s what the people out there are saying.

Gay Marriage Matters

Video length - 2.42
Published date - Feb 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

The Modern Addiction

What are the signs of “porn addiction”? How does the internet impact this modern addiction? Sex addiction therapist, Paula Hall, discusses the causes of porn addiction and ways to tackle it.

The Modern Addiction

Video length - 05.43
Published date - May 2012
Keystage(s) - 3, 4 and 5

What Is Gay?

A short film dispelling any myths about the gay community by Out and About, a project of Youth Action. Made as part of the BoldVoices programme in partnership with BoldFace Productions and Community Foundation Northern Ireland.

What Is Gay?

Video length - 03.51
Published date - Mar 2011
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Eva is heartbroken as the truth about Danny and Lesley’s relationship comes out. Vinnie gets close to Rachel.

Being Victor Ep10

Video length - 08.51
Published date - Sep 2010
Keystage(s) - 4

Eva and Vinnie try to work out how to cheer up Lesley, they also talk to Doyle about his lifestyle and discover a final warning from the college about the state of his work.

Being Victor Ep9

Video length - 08.32
Published date - Sep 2010
Keystage(s) - 4