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Human Rights: The Global Outlook

Eulette Ewart, a spokeswoman for Amnesty International, sets out their global vision for universal human rights. She explains how the organisation puts its beliefs into practice.

Human Rights: The Global Outlook

Video length - 03.51
Published date - Aug 2008
Keystage(s) - 4
Downloadable resources

Immigration Affects Us All

A member of the Labour Party, the Conservative Party and the British National Party are interviewed about their views on immigration in this country.

Immigration Affects Us All

Video length - 04.09
Published date - Jul 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Gay & Married

A South Asian Muslim talks about the trauma of realising he was gay in a community that rejected homosexuality.

Gay & Married

Video length - 03.12
Published date - Jun 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Stop and Search Me

Seyi Rhodes, a black British man, decides to test the theory that the police are racist in their “stop and search” antics.

Stop and Search Me

Video length - 08.37
Published date - Jun 2008
Keystage(s) - 4
Downloadable resources

Freedom Vs Responsibility

Can all religions live together in peace? This video details the opinions of students and MPs regarding this issue.

Freedom Vs Responsibility

Video length - 01.49
Published date - Jun 2008
Keystage(s) - 4

Criminal Make-up

A criminal psychologist gives us his recipe for criminality. Factors such as upbringing, gender and race can contribute to whether someone becomes a criminal. But he also argues that we are all capable of a crime as heinous as killing, given the right or ‘wrong’ set of circumstances.

Criminal Make-up

Video length - 03.18
Published date - Mar 2008
Keystage(s) - 4
Downloadable resources

Is Feminism for Everyone?

TrueTube asks what ‘feminism’ means to women on an estate – if anything at all. Is feminism something that all women can identify with, or do class and social conditions play a part in dividing women?

Is Feminism for Everyone?

Video length - 02.12
Published date - Mar 2008
Keystage(s) - 4
Downloadable resources

Holocaust Memorial Day

TrueTube asks the public what they think of Holocaust Memorial Day. Different opinions are shared on the Jewish Holocaust but comments are also made about other holocausts which have happened, and are still happening.

Holocaust Memorial Day

Video length - 01.43
Published date - Jan 2008
Downloadable resources

Mental Illnesses: Defined

This film presents official definitions of the most common and well-known mental illnesses, in a way which is clear and concise for young people.

Mental Illnesses: Defined

Video length - 04.49
Published date - Jan 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Mental – The perceptions and consequent implications of mental illlness in today’s society, particularly as a result of the media.


Video length - 01.25
Published date - Jan 2008
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4