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Meet Abi – they’re a bit different, in many amazing ways! Abi’s autism can make life challenging sometimes, but it’s also given them some gifts. Smart, curious and open to other cultures, Abi has been on a mission to find the right faith for them and Hinduism speaks to their soul. In the film Abi describes their day to day life, their autism, their love of languages, identifying as non-binary and why Hinduism works for them – excitingly, Abi gets to experience their first public Diwali.

Produced by Morgan Tipping.

Directed, edited and animated by Tommy Chavannes – https://tommychavannes.com/

Component 2: Thematic studies - Religious, philosophical and ethical studies - Students should be aware of different religious perspectives on the issues studied within and / or between religious and non-religious beliefs such as atheism and humanism.

Area of Study 1 - The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to: ● develop their knowledge and understanding of religions and non-religious beliefs, such as atheism and humanism

Component Group 2–Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a religious perspective - dialogue within and between religions and non-religious beliefs; how those with religious and non-religious beliefs respond to critiques of their beliefs including the study of a range of attitudes towards those with different religious views – inclusivist, exclusivist and pluralist approaches.

1.1 - Develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of religions and non-religious beliefs, such as atheism and humanism Understand that religious traditions in Great Britain are diverse and include the following religions: Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism, as well as non-religious beliefs, such as atheism and humanism

2.3 Component 3 (Route A) - The compulsory nature of this component ensures that learners know and understand the fact that the religious traditions of Great Britain whilst being, in the main, Christian are also diverse and include the following religious traditions as well as other religious and non-religious beliefs such as humanism and atheism. This knowledge may be applied throughout the assessment of the specified content.

Autism, Hinduism & Me

Video length - 05.59
Published date - Sep 2022
Keystage(s) - 2, 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Humanism is a non-religious belief system. Humanists are people who shape their own lives in the here and now, because they believe it’s the only life we have. They make sense of the world through logic, reason, and evidence, and always seek to treat those around them with warmth, understanding, and respect.

And just like with other belief systems, they have important ceremonies too. Watch Ivy experience her naming ceremony, with the key features explained, while her parents discuss the Humanist principles they want to instill in her.

Component 2: Thematic studies - Religious, philosophical and ethical studies - Students should be aware of different religious perspectives on the issues studied within and / or between religious and non-religious beliefs such as atheism and humanism.

Area of Study 1 - The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to: ● develop their knowledge and understanding of religions and non-religious beliefs, such as atheism and humanism

Component Group 2–Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a religious perspective - dialogue within and between religions and non-religious beliefs; how those with religious and non-religious beliefs respond to critiques of their beliefs including the study of a range of attitudes towards those with different religious views – inclusivist, exclusivist and pluralist approaches.

PART B - Theme 1: Issues of Life and Death - Learners are expected to make relevant references to scripture and other sources of authority as well as the beliefs of Humanists and Atheists.

2.3 Component 3 (Route A) - The compulsory nature of this component ensures that learners know and understand the fact that the religious traditions of Great Britain whilst being, in the main, Christian are also diverse and include the following religious traditions as well as other religious and non-religious beliefs such as humanism and atheism. This knowledge may be applied throughout the assessment of the specified content.


Humanists UK

A Humanist Naming Ceremony

Video length - 08.12
Published date - Jun 2022
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Moses and the 10 Commandments – Vlog #1 – The Bible story of Moses and the 10 Commandments is retold – with a twist.

Moses and the Jewish people are on their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land when Moses goes to speak with God near the summit of Mount Sinai. Afterwards Moses relates what happened in his most recent vlog to his channel. He says that God gave him ten commandments – or rules to live by – written on stone tablets. Moses describes each of the commandments in turn and goes on to reveal that God actually gave him 613 commandments so there are still another 603 to vlog about!

Suitable for teaching KS1 / KS2.

For teachers’ notes and more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/assemblies-ks1-ks2-moses-10-ten-commandments-vlog-1/zjqbf82

This film is from the the assemblies collection on BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/primary-school-assemblies-collective-worship-ks1-ks2/zmsnm39

As this film is embedded you will not be able to download it.

The TrueTube team made this film for BBC Teach, so for more resources go to BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach

The Bible Stories series was commissioned by BBC Teach and produced by CTVC/TrueTube.

Component 1 - The study of religions: beliefs, teaching and practices - Judaism - Key beliefs: The Covenant and the mitzvot The Covenant at Sinai and its importance, including the role of Moses and the Ten Commandments, Exodus 20:1-17.

Area of Study 3 – Judaism - Section 1: Jewish Beliefs - The Covenant at Sinai: the nature and history of the Covenant at Sinai (the Ten Commandments), including Exodus 20; the role and significance of Moses in the Covenant at Sinai; divergent understandings of how and why the Decalogue is important in Jewish life today.

Component Group 1 - Judaism - Beliefs and teachings - The Covenant at Sinai • The concept of Covenant •The significance of the Covenant at Sinai (the Ten Commandments) • The role of Moses within Judaism • Issues related to the Covenant at Sinai, including the nature of the promises made by G-d to the Israelites and their significance for modern Judaism • Common and divergent emphases placed on the Covenant at Sinai by different Jewish groups •Different interpretations and emphases given to sources of wisdom and authority by different Jewish groups

2.1 Unit 1 - PART A - Judaism - Core beliefs, teachings and practices - Worship in the home and synagogue  The importance of the synagogue: internal features- aron hakodesh (ark), ner tamid, bimah, Torah, Ten Commandments, seating

Component 3 - Study of a World Faith - Option 4: Judaism - Covenant ➢ The meaning and significance of the Abrahamic Covenant: Genesis 12:1-3, 17:6-8, 17:11-14 including the importance of the ‘Promised Land’ ➢ The meaning and significance of the Covenant with Moses at Sinai: Exodus 3:11-15 including the continuing importance of the idea of a ‘Promised Land’ ➢ Importance of the Ten Commandments: Exodus 20:2-14


Moses and the 10 Commandments – Vlog #1

Video length - 04.57
Published date - Dec 2021
Keystage(s) - 1 and 2

The Only Way is Keeping Up With Esther – The story of Esther and Mordecai is retold – in the style of an OTT reality TV show.

King Ahasuerus has grown tired of Queen Vashti and has her thrown out of the palace. He gives the courtier Haman responsibility for finding him a new wife and Haman quickly identifies Esther as perfect. Esther’s guardian is her cousin, Mordecai, who insists on going to the palace with Esther, while warning her not to reveal their Jewish faith. When Haman discovers their identity he convinces the King to have all Jews in the land killed – and Esther must find a way to save her people.

Suitable for teaching KS1 / KS2.

For teachers’ notes and more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/assemblies-ks1-ks2-esther-mordecai-haman-purim/zsfq8hv

This film is from the the assemblies collection on BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/primary-school-assemblies-collective-worship-ks1-ks2/zmsnm39

As this film is embedded you will not be able to download it.

The TrueTube and CTVC team made this film for BBC Teach, so for more resources go to BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach

The Bible Stories series was commissioned by BBC Teach and produced by CTVC/TrueTube.

Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teaching and practices - Christianity - Jesus Christ and salvation Beliefs and teachings about:
• sin, including original sin
• the means of salvation, including law, grace and Spirit
• the role of Christ in salvation including the idea of atonement.
St Mark’s Gospel: as a source of religious, moral and spiritual truths Parables of the kingdom. - Jesus’ use of parables.
Component 1 - The study of religions: beliefs, teaching and practices - Judaism - Key beliefs: The nature of God. God as Creator God as Law-Giver and Judge, loving and merciful.
Area of Study 3 – Christianity - Section 1: Christian Beliefs - The nature and significance of salvation and the role of Christ within salvation: law, sin, grace and Spirit, the role of Christ in salvation, including John 3:10–21 and Acts 4:8–12; the nature and significance of atonement within Christianity and its link to salvation. Section 1: Jewish Beliefs - The nature of the Almighty: how the characteristics of the Almighty are shown in the Torah, and why they are important in Jewish life today, including One, Creator, Law-Giver and Judge, including reference to Genesis 2.
Component Group 1 - Judaism - Beliefs and Teachings - Nature of G-d• The meaning of the terms G-d as One, Creator, Law-Giver, Judge and Eternal •The signifa nce of the following characteristics for Jews: •• All-powerful •• All-good •• All-knowing •• Everywhere •• Beyond time and space •• Concerned with humanity •• Intervening in the world •• Transcendent and immanent • Issues related to the nature of G-d, including the problem of evil and suffering • Common and divergent emphases placed on these characteristics by different Jewish groups, including beliefs about the Last Day of the world as Judgement day and the judgements made by G-d on Rosh Hashannah
2.1 Unit 1 PART A - Christianity - Core beliefs, teachings and practices - Jesus as God Incarnate - His birth, crucifixion, resurrection (key elements of the accounts of Jesus' birth, (Matthew 1:18- 2:12 and Luke 1:26-35 and 2:1-21), death (Mark 15:139), resurrection (John 20:1-21) and ascension (Acts 1:9-11)
2.2 Component 2 (Route A) Study of Christianity - Jesus Christ ➢ Beliefs and teachings about Jesus’ incarnation: John 1:14, Luke1:28-33

The Only Way is Keeping Up With Esther

Video length - 05.41
Published date - Oct 2021
Keystage(s) - 1 and 2
Downloadable resources

Samson – The Judge – The story of ‘Samson and Delilah’ is re-imagined as a blockbuster superhero movie. Samson’s great strength is a gift from God, but Samson has been ignoring his gift. Then, when his wife is killed by the Philistine oppressors, Samson assumes his alter-ego – The Judge – and goes in search of revenge.

The Philistines send Delilah – their top agent – to trap Samson and are able to capture him after Delilah has learnt that Samson’s hair is the secret of his strength. But Samson has one final judgement to make.

Suitable for teaching KS1 / KS2.

For teachers’ notes and more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/assemblies-ks1-ks2-samson-and-delilah-the-judge/z7dstrd

This film is from the the assemblies collection on BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/primary-school-assemblies-collective-worship-ks1-ks2/zmsnm39

As this film is embedded you will not be able to download it.

The TrueTube and CTVC team made this film for BBC Teach, so for more resources go to BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach

The Bible Stories series was commissioned by BBC Teach and produced by CTVC/TrueTube.

Component 1: The study of religions: beliefs, teaching and practices - Christianity - Jesus Christ and salvation Beliefs and teachings about:
• sin, including original sin
• the means of salvation, including law, grace and Spirit
• the role of Christ in salvation including the idea of atonement.
Component 2 - Theme H - St Mark’s Gospel: as a source of religious, moral and spiritual truths Parables of the kingdom. - Jesus’ use of parables.
Area of Study 3 – Christianity - Section 1: Christian Beliefs - The nature and significance of salvation and the role of Christ within salvation: law, sin, grace and Spirit, the role of Christ in salvation, including John 3:10–21 and Acts 4:8–12; the nature and significance of atonement within Christianity and its link to salvation.
Component Group 1 - Christianity Beliefs and teachings & Practices- Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension •The meaning of the terms: the incarnation, the crucifixion, the resurrection and the ascension • Beliefs and teachings about Jesus arising from the incarnation,the crucifixion ,the resurrection and the ascension •The importance to Christians of the incarnation, the crucifixion,the resurrection and the ascension for their life and worship • The common and divergent emphases placed on the significance of the incarnation, the crucifixion,theresurrectionandtheasension for the beliefs of different Christian denominations •Different interpretations and emphases given to sources of wisdom and authority by different Christian denominations
2.1 Unit 1 PART A - Christianity - Core beliefs, teachings and practices - Jesus as God Incarnate - His birth, crucifixion, resurrection (key elements of the accounts of Jesus' birth, (Matthew 1:18- 2:12 and Luke 1:26-35 and 2:1-21), death (Mark 15:139), resurrection (John 20:1-21) and ascension (Acts 1:9-11)
2.2 Component 2 (Route A) Study of Christianity - Jesus Christ ➢ Beliefs and teachings about Jesus’ incarnation: John 1:14, Luke1:28-33

Samson – The Judge

Video length - 06.12
Published date - Oct 2021
Keystage(s) - 1 and 2
Downloadable resources

The Kitchen Miracle-Maker (Jesus Feeds the 5000) – The story of ‘Jesus Feeds the 5000’ is retold – with a twist. Mary and Mark are hosts of something reminiscent of a modern-day cookery programme. Jesus and his disciples take on the challenge to provide food for the 5000 people assembled, but with only two small fish and five loaves available it’s clear that another miracle is called for.

Various attempts are made to create delicious dishes – delicate bite-sized sandwiches, Mediterranean grilled-fish salad, golden fishcakes – but when the time is up the results are far from miraculous. Then Jesus blesses the food and shares it among the crowd. There’s plenty for everyone – and there’s even some left over. It’s a miracle!

Suitable for teaching KS1 / KS2.

For teachers’ notes and more: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/assemblies-ks1-ks2-jesus-feeds-the-5000-loaves-fishes/zrdstrd

This film is from the the assemblies collection on BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/primary-school-assemblies-collective-worship-ks1-ks2/zmsnm39

As this film is embedded you will not be able to download it.

The TrueTube and CTVC team made this film for BBC Teach, so for more resources go to BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach

The Bible Stories series was commissioned by BBC Teach and produced by CTVC/TrueTube.

Component 2- Religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world: Theme C - The existence of God and Revelation - The Argument From Miracles - The Argument from Miracles, including two examples of miracles. The Argument from Miracles, including its strengths and weaknesses. Component 2 - Theme H - St Mark’s Gospel: as a source of religious, moral and spiritual truths Parables of the kingdom. - Jesus’ use of parables.

Area of Study 3 – Catholic Christianity - Section 2: Philosophy of Religion - Miracles as proof of the existence of God: the nature and importance of miracles for Catholics; biblical and non-biblical examples of miracles including those at Lourdes and John 4:43–54; reasons why they might lead to belief in God and Catholic responses to non-religious arguments (including atheist and Humanist), which maintain that miracles can be scientifically explained and provide no proof that God exists; divergent understandings of what miracles show about the nature of God for Catholics. Area of Study 3 – Christianity - Section 2: Philosophy of Religion - Miracles as proof of the existence of God: the nature and importance of miracles for Christians; biblical examples of miracles including John 4:43–54; reasons why they might lead to belief in the existence of God and Christian responses to non-religious arguments (including atheist and Humanist) which maintain that miracles can be scientifically explained and provide no proof that God exists; divergent understandings of what miracles show about the nature of God for Christians.

Component Group 2–Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a religious perspective - the existence of God, gods and ultimate reality, and ways in which God, gods or ultimate reality might be understood; through revelation, visions, miracles or enlightenment


The Kitchen Miracle-Maker (Jesus Feeds the 5000)

Video length - 04.41
Published date - Oct 2021
Keystage(s) - 1 and 2
Downloadable resources

Living Your Best Life (Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy) – The story of ‘Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy’ is retold – with a twist.

Benjamin lives in the Galilean village of Capernaum and has leprosy. He is also appearing on the reality TV make-over show called ‘Living Your Best Life’. Benjamin learns from the presenter – Joanna, the Make-Over Queen – that Jesus is due to visit Capernaum the following day. Benjamin duly kneels before Jesus asking to be cured. Later, joined by Joanna once more, Benjamin describes how his life has changed. But what has made the greatest impression on him is the compassion and acceptance of Jesus.

Suitable for teaching KS1 / KS2.

For teachers’ notes, assembly framework and more:https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/assemblies-ks1-ks2-jesus-heals-a-man-with-leprosy-living-your-best-life/zgh9g7h

This film is from the the assemblies collection on BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/primary-school-assemblies-collective-worship-ks1-ks2/zmsnm39

As this film is embedded you will not be able to download it.

The TrueTube and CTVC team made this film for BBC Teach, so for more resources go to BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach

The Bible Stories series was commissioned by BBC Teach and produced by CTVC/TrueTube.

Component 2- Religious, philosophical and ethical studies in the modern world: Theme C - The existence of God and Revelation - The Argument From Miracles - The Argument from Miracles, including two examples of miracles. The Argument from Miracles, including its strengths and weaknesses. Component 2 - Theme H - St Mark’s Gospel: as a source of religious, moral and spiritual truths Parables of the kingdom. - Jesus’ use of parables.

Area of Study 3 – Catholic Christianity - Section 2: Philosophy of Religion - Miracles as proof of the existence of God: the nature and importance of miracles for Catholics; biblical and non-biblical examples of miracles including those at Lourdes and John 4:43–54; reasons why they might lead to belief in God and Catholic responses to non-religious arguments (including atheist and Humanist), which maintain that miracles can be scientifically explained and provide no proof that God exists; divergent understandings of what miracles show about the nature of God for Catholics. Area of Study 3 – Christianity - Section 2: Philosophy of Religion - Miracles as proof of the existence of God: the nature and importance of miracles for Christians; biblical examples of miracles including John 4:43–54; reasons why they might lead to belief in the existence of God and Christian responses to non-religious arguments (including atheist and Humanist) which maintain that miracles can be scientifically explained and provide no proof that God exists; divergent understandings of what miracles show about the nature of God for Christians.

Component Group 2–Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a religious perspective - the existence of God, gods and ultimate reality, and ways in which God, gods or ultimate reality might be understood; through revelation, visions, miracles or enlightenment


Living Your Best Life (Jesus Heals a Man with Leprosy)

Video length - 5.04
Published date - Oct 2021
Keystage(s) - 1 and 2
Downloadable resources

Hijab & Me – Three young Muslim women called Ambar, Ilhan and Athena give their personal (and very different!) opinions on what it means to wear hijab, and the status of women in Islam.

A film by Kim Roden

Created in collaboration with the Advocacy Academy

Shortlisted for Best Short Form Documentary at the Broadcast Digital Awards 2020.

Nominated for the Educational Film Award at The Learning On Screen Awards 2020.

Nominated in the Children’s Broadcasting category at the Sandford St Martin Trust Awards 2020.

Nominated for the Content for Change Award at the Children’s BAFTAs 2019.

TrueTube films are designed for use in a number of ways. Some ideas of where this film could link to your curriculum are below:



Component 2: Thematic studies:Theme A: Relationships and families- Sex, marriage and divorce - Islam - Gender roles, Gender equality, Gender prejudice and discrimination including examples.



Area of Study 1 -Section 2: Marriage and the Family -Islam - Muslim teaching about the equality of men and women in the family: divergent Muslim beliefs, teachings and attitudes about the role of men and women in the family with reference to the Qur’an, including Surah 4 and the time of Muhammad.



Component Group 2–Religion, philosophy and ethics in the modern world from a religious perspective - relationships and families - religious teachings about the nature and purpose of families in the 21st century, sex, marriage, cohabitation and divorce. Issues related to the nature and purpose of families; roles of men and women; equality; gender prejudice and discrimination.



PART B- Theme 1: Issues of Relationships - Issues of equality: gender prejudice and discrimination - Diverse attitudes within Islam toward the roles of women and men in worship and authority  Teachings: Qur'an 2:228, 40:40, 4:1



Component 1 (Route A):Religious, Philosophical and Ethical Studies in the Modern World : Theme 1: Issues of Relationships:Issues of equality: gender prejudice and discrimination

Hijab & Me

Ilhan        I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Ambar     Sorry. Yeah.

Athena    Okay. Should I start now?

Ambar     A hijab, literally is an Arabic word, meaning curtain or barrier. Um, but for a lot of people it means lots of different things.

Ilhan        A lot of people do see it as the covering of a woman's hair.

Ambar     So for me, for example, to wear the hijab would be to dress modestly. So this could be interpreted as wearing the hijab.

Athena    But the real hijab is meant to be the one that covers your whole body. What I'm wearing today is a jilbab, which is the orange colour, and the niqab is anything that covers the face.

Ambar     We come in all different shapes and sizes. We dress different ways. Lots of women think different things about hijab, and that's because the ground is open to interpretation.

Ambar     And tell the faithful women

Athena    To cast down their looks

Ilhan        and to guard their private parts,

Athena    to make their outer garments.

Ambar     Hang low over them.

Ilhan        So as to be recognised and not insulted.

Athena    I interpret the verse about the hijab as the covering from the opposite gender. Normally girls wear it outside in public, if they were to come across men. If you're at home with other girls or with your family, you don't have to wear hijab. But if you're on camera, then hijab is something that you have to wear.

Ilhan        For me, it's not about I'm not going to look at me because really and truly, if men wanted to look, even if you're wearing a bin bag, they are going to look.

Ambar     It doesn't say in the Quran that women have to cover their hair specifically.

Athena    It's something that I believe we have to do as believing women. And if you don't wear the hijab, you do gain a sin from it.

Ilhan        One of the reasons I like to wear it is it's kind of a religious tradition. It's something that's been done for many years. It's always inspired me ever since I was a little girl. So these are my four sisters.

Ruqiya     I want to do it myself. My name is Ruqiya.

Ilhan        When you're a child, your mum usually puts on the small pull on ones, but when you start to get a bit older, you wear the wrap ones. And at first it is hard to wrap it so that it looks nice on you.

Ilhan        It's messy. Maybe fold it a bit, at the front.

Ilhan        It makes you feel more grown up. It's quite an exciting experience. Set, go.

Ilhan        I feel like we're all part of one massive community of Muslim women all over the world who also wear it. It makes me feel empowered.

Athena    When I first wore my jilbab, I felt like a princess, like, I'm not going to lie, I felt like a princess because jilbab just made me feel modest and happy and girly, and I'm a very, very girly person. Growing up, I had a huge crisis in who I was as a person, because my parents didn't want me to wear the hijab. I would do my hair in different ways, my makeup in different ways. Modesty is a very important factor of your religion, and it was something that I wasn't practising, and it felt like that was the one thing that was keeping me back. So on my 17th birthday, I decided that I would start wearing the hijab. I remember spending two hours trying to play with it and putting the pins in the right place. I went downstairs and I told my mum and I told my dad, I'm going to wear this. My dad was like, how am I going to take you to school? It was a time when I was getting ready to basically come out and say, this is who I am, and whether they accepted me or not was something that I would have to face. Every person has their identity of what they like. It could be how they choose to dress or what brands they like. For me, and for majority of Muslim girls, our identity is Islam. We want people to know we're Muslim, to dress the way I'm dressing, it's hard, but we want to do it.

Ilhan        I was always around other people who were wearing headscarf. However, being a black Muslim, I would sometimes look at my black community and see how hair is a big part of the culture. Braids, weaves, extensions.

Athena    As a woman, you want to appear attractive. You want to do your hair. You want to do your makeup. It's natural. You'll find that we have hair straighteners. We do keep up with the latest makeup trends. We still do these things, but we just don't do it in public.

Ambar     I only wear the headscarf when I'm praying or when I'm reading the Qur'an, so when I'm praying, I'm obviously praying towards God, and the same with when you're reading the Qur'an, because it is the word of God that's been passed down all the way from the time of the prophet. It's a symbol of me showing respect, but I don't feel like I need to wear it all the time to show that, it's only in those specific circumstances.

Athena    What I would tell a Muslim woman who chooses not to wear the hijab, is that ideally we should try and wear the hijab, but her prayer may be better than mine, her character may be better than mine. So we are told not to judge other Muslim women.

Ilhan        When it comes to prayer. Men and women are separated as a way of making sure that your focus is on the prayer, rather than looking around at who's in the room.

Athena    For example, for having a wedding, we're told to have it so that men and women don't mix because we believe that they might have lustful thoughts about one another.

Ilhan        Because I'm Somali, we like to wear these kind of, like, dresses, that are actually quite see through. It's okay that they're see through, because it's just women in the room, so it just makes it more fun.

Ambar     I know a lot of Muslims think that splitting off men and women is something that should happen, but I don't agree with that at all. And I think that the emphasis that some Muslims give within the community on not being attracted to the other sex or not being attracted to the same sex, even. It can be so dangerous for young Muslims who are going through this period in their life, and they have questions about themselves, about their body, about their sexuality. Young Muslims need to be able to talk about it without feeling that they're doing something wrong, because it's not. It's quite normal.

Ilhan        A lot of people assume that it's only Muslim women who have to observe hijab. The Qur'an actually addresses the men's hijab, before the women's hijab. Men are encouraged to cover their awrah, which is from their belly button to just below their knees. Even though the Quran does talk about men and women's hijab, a lot of pressure is put on the girls to make sure that they're covering up properly.

Ambar     Some Muslim men, the way that they're interpreting the Qur'an, they are purposefully cherry picking the passages that give rights to men and just ignore the rights of women. I think that is the main issue. Um, and until we actually tackle that, then it's going to remain an issue for a while.

Ilhan        Because I wear a headscarf, people can see that I'm Muslim. You do face some Islamophobia.

Ambar     The Qur'an was being revealed 1400 years ago in a time that was very different to us. Women were told to cover up those parts of their body, to protect them from the kinds of things that were going on at the time. And I think given the current society with what's going on, there are Muslim women who are being identified as wearing the hijab, wearing the niqab, and they're being attacked because of it. So as a form of garment that was initially introduced to protect them, it's now actually having the opposite effect.

Ilhan        My grandma's always being like, be careful, there's people out there that don't like Muslims. Imagine your grandmother having to tell you to be careful, because there are people who don't like you specifically because of what you choose to believe. It's like very specific to you as a person and you and your beliefs. And so, yeah.

Athena    I do have a YouTube channel. Hateful comments always come with YouTube and so do positive ones. Some girls told me that I have to cover my eyes, or that I'm drawing too much attention to myself by being online in the first place. So, for them, Muslim women shouldn't be online. They should be hidden, they should be at home. And then you get the other spectrum. Why are you covering your face? Why are you covering your hair? Especially as women, we always get people telling us what to wear, how to dress. You have to learn to be confident in who you are as a person.

Ambar     I think some of the things that people get wrong about Muslim women specifically is that we're oppressed.

Athena    Whatever form of hijab you choose to wear is oppressive.

Ilhan        To me, what I see as more oppressive is people trying to, like, plant ideas into my mind that I must feel uncomfortable, but really, it's them feeling uncomfortable.

Athena    I don't get pressure from my family. I don't get pressure from my husband. For me, my main thing that empowers me is my religion and being able to practice my religion freely.

Ambar     Women have Quranic rights that are drawn out in the Qur'an, and whether or not people pay attention to that is one thing, but nonetheless they are there.

Athena    Before Islam came, girls were being buried alive, they were either sold off or married off to people that they didn't know.

Ilhan        After Islam came about, women started to have the rights to education,

Ambar     the right to marry, to choose who they could marry. They had the right to divorce.

Athena    Having a voice,

Ilhan        the right to inheritance, and the right to ownership of property.

Ambar     It was a liberating religion.

Ilhan        One of the women that I find really inspiring is Khadija, who was the Prophet Muhammad's first wife.

Athena    Khadija was a businesswoman.

Ambar     She was the one who bankrolled the religion, essentially.

Ilhan        She even asked for the prophet's hand in marriage.

Ambar     And she was also the first person to actually believe him when he was saying that he was getting these verses from God.

Athena    The great women of Islam, they give us an example of how we should be.

Ambar     What I want people to understand about women in Islam is that, hmm, that's a tricky one.

Ilhan        Even though the hijab does hold great importance, it is just a piece of fabric. It is just a cloth that is around my head.

Ambar     You are from a different background, different culture, and, but that doesn't mean you're an alien.

Ilhan        If you are able to see us as normal people, who live our lives and are struggling just as much as everyone else, I think that would be great.

Hijab & Me

Video length - 09.29
Published date - Sep 2019
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Ollie – My Future. My Career. My RE. Ollie is a sports reporter and his job takes him all over the world. He loves travelling, and having taken RE at school, he understands how religious beliefs influence countries and cultures, and this gives him a deeper appreciation of the places he visits and the people he meets.

Studying RE at GCSE and A Level provides you with important life skills, and offers opportunities in further education and a wide variety of careers. Watch the other MY FUTURE. MY CAREER. MY RE. films to hear more real stories about how Religious Studies benefits students and young professionals.

Ollie – My Future. My Career. My RE.

Video length - 01.23
Published date - Nov 2018
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Mo – My Future. My Career. My RE. Mo has been a firefighter for ten years, and he loves it. He has found that the knowledge and understanding he gained by studying RE has given him empathy for the many different communities he serves, and helps him to do his job better.

Studying RE at GCSE and A Level provides you with important life skills, and offers opportunities in further education and a wide variety of careers. Watch the other MY FUTURE. MY CAREER. MY RE. films to hear more real stories about how Religious Studies benefits students and young professionals.

Mo – My Future. My Career. My RE.

Video length - 01.10
Published date - Nov 2018
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources