TrueTube asks what ‘feminism’ means to women on an estate – if anything at all. Is feminism something that all women can identify with, or do class and social conditions play a part in dividing women?
A discussion with two women of different generations regarding the way feminism has evolved. The women talk about the identity of ‘Third Wave’ Feminism, and how the internet is allowing for mass communication previously isolated ideas.
TrueTube investigates the nature of violent sexual crimes on UK streets, dispelling myths about rape and finding out what we need to do to make sure sexual inequality doesn’t get in the way of our fight against sexual assault.
Too much time on the soap box, not enough time in the kitchen? How do today’s young women feel about feminism, and does the world have bigger things to worry about?
TrueTube tackles the public with the concept of ‘Booze Britain’, what it means and who it applies to. The public responds to questions on whose responsible, whether new laws will help tackle the issue and what they think should be done to deal with the problem.
TrueTube takes to the streets and challenges the public: what would you fight for? How far would you go to achieve peace? Can war ever be justified? Would you break the law for something you believe in?
TrueTube asks the public what they think of Holocaust Memorial Day. Different opinions are shared on the Jewish Holocaust but comments are also made about other holocausts which have happened, and are still happening.