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Murder & Forgiveness – A young man whose father was murdered speaks out against the death penalty. He experienced feelings of anger and revenge but came to the view that capital punishment only perpetuates the cycle of hate. He quotes Gandhi, and is inspired by religious views on forgiveness.

Murder & Forgiveness

Video length - 0.38
Published date - Feb 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Two Days To Go – Texas executes more prisoners than any other American state. Michelle Lyons of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, explains the state’s policy on capital punishment and describes the last 48 hours of life on death row

Two Days To Go

Video length - 06.17
Published date - Feb 2007
Keystage(s) - 4

Death Row: The Law – An interview with Michelle Lyons from the Texas Department for Justice. She talks about the law regarding capital punishment in Texas, and about the last rites and rituals of those on death row. The details of Michael Johnson’s final hours are revealed, including how he committed suicide.

Death Row: The Law

Video length - 02.59
Published date - Feb 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Death Row: The Sister – The sister of Michael Johnson – who was a death row convict in the United States – talks about his suicide, committed only hours before he was scheduled to have a lethal injection. She discusses her relationship with her brother, her thoughts on capital punishment, and the arrangements for his funeral.

Death Row: The Sister

Video length - 02.13
Published date - Feb 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Death Row: The Convict – An interview with Michael Johnson, a death row convict in the United States. Michael was sentenced to death for his part in the murder of a petrol station worker. Here he shares his thoughts and feelings about his time in prison and his imminent death.

Death Row: The Convict

Video length - 02.30
Published date - Feb 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Death Row: The Victim’s Wife – A woman whose husband was murdered in Texas three weeks after their wedding, expresses her views on capital punishment. One of the men, Michael Johnson, escaped the death penalty by committing suicide. She reveals how she felt cheated by his decision to take his own life.

Death Row: The Victim’s Wife

Video length - 03.31
Published date - Feb 2007
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4