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Haringey People: Elaine’s father came to Britain from Jamaica in the mid 1930s to play trumpet in a jazz band, and Elaine was born here in 1939 at the beginning of World War II. She talks fondly of her father’s achievements as a musician and describes how she followed in his footsteps to become an award-winning jazz singer.

This film was made by young offenders taking part in a film training course run by VividEcho and funded by The Big Lottery: Awards for All and Haringey Council.

Haringey People: Elaine

Video length - 03.16
Published date - Feb 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Haringey People: Huseyin came to Britain as a refugee from Kurdistan in 1985 and found work as a teacher in a Kurdish folk dance school. He talks about the importance of keeping Kurdish traditions alive, both to preserve his culture and to educate the wider community.

This film was made by young offenders taking part in a film training course run by VividEcho and funded by The Big Lottery: Awards for All and Haringey Council.

Haringey People: Huseyin

Video length - 02.59
Published date - Feb 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Haringey People: Nevil left Jamaica for England in 1960, searching for a better life. Here he met the woman who was to become his wife, and he started a family. Nevil looks back on his life, his achievements and reflects on how he has contributed to the community in which he lives.

This film was made by young offenders taking part in a film training course run by VividEcho and funded by The Big Lottery: Awards for All and Haringey Council.

Haringey People: Nevil

Video length - 03.10
Published date - Feb 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Haringey People: Joan was born in Belgium to Jewish parents in 1940, and was just 3 months old when the German Army invaded. She moved first to France and then escaped to Spain and was finally fostered by an American family at the age of 3 and lived in the USA until the age of 7 when she was reunited with her parents in England. Joan tells her story and talks about her achievements since.

This film was made by young offenders taking part in a film training course run by VividEcho and funded by The Big Lottery: Awards for All and Haringey Council.

Haringey People: Joan

Video length - 07.19
Published date - Feb 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Haringey People: Tim is an ex-Territorial Army soldier who drove a military ambulance during the Iraq War of 2003. He is now an Army Cadet instructor and helps to teach young people discipline and respect. He describes his experiences, and talks about his concerns for the young people in his community.

This film was made by young offenders taking part in a film training course run by VividEcho and funded by The Big Lottery: Awards for All and Haringey Council.

Haringey People: Tim

Video length - 03.08
Published date - Feb 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Haringey People: Gerassimos came to the UK in 1992 and is now very happy to be a British Citizen. He talks about how welcoming he found the country, and how much he enjoys the diversity of London.

This film was made by young offenders taking part in a film training course run by VividEcho and funded by The Big Lottery: Awards for All and Haringey Council.

Haringey People: Gerassimos

Video length - 03.58
Published date - Feb 2014
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

The Magdalenes – Imagine if you were abducted and held prisoner against your will: if your possessions were taken, your hair was cut; you were forced to wear a uniform and answer to a new name. For women like Gabrielle O’Gorman who were sent to the Magdalene Institutions in Ireland, this was a reality. Gabrielle tells her story, and revisits the now-derelict Institution she was sent to as a teenager.

This film, made by Nick Carew, was funded by the University of Kent, and completed with the help of the Women’s Studies Centre at University College Dublin who led an Irish Research Council project on the Magdalene Institutions.


The Magdalenes

Video length - 10.14
Published date - Sep 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4
Downloadable resources

Euthanasia: Playing God? – Should terminally ill people have the right to die? Would doctors be “playing God”? Two friends debate the arguments for and against assisted suicide.

Euthanasia: Playing God?

Video length - 2.55
Published date - Mar 2013
Keystage(s) - 4
Downloadable resources

Gay Adoption Attitudes – Gay couples are legally allowed to adopt children in the UK, but it’s a still an issue that provokes strong views in some people… and here they are.

Gay Adoption Attitudes

Video length - 2.27
Published date - Feb 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4

Gay Marriage Matters – Should gay people have the right to get married? And what’s the point of marriage anyway? Here’s what the people out there are saying.

Gay Marriage Matters

Video length - 2.42
Published date - Feb 2013
Keystage(s) - 3 and 4